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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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In what way is any of the current military actions being undertaken by the American government helping to defend our freedoms? Let alone yours?
Nothing you ever say is worthy of an answer or an opinion. Go peddle your misery elsewhere.
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Surely it's blindingly obvious that we've lost freedom as a result of American "defence" of it, not gained any.
We,ve all lost some, not due to the US government but to those who slaughtered 3000 NewYorkers in 2001. The only thing that is blindingly obvious is that you're a reader of the Daily Mail or Youtube, with no opinion of your own, only that of your soulmate Flaming Jimmy.:loopy:
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1. We dont get our gas from Russia. We have plenty enough of our own here. Don't you even know that? :huh:


2. I'm assuming you live in the UK. Dont you even know what's going on in your own parliament? :o British Foreigh Secretary William Hague addressed the Commons yesterday. In his address he also criticized China and Russia for vetoing the UN resolution.


3. There are plenty of German cars on the roads here. More in quantity than in the the UK even :hihi:


4. I think you'd better start getting up to speed on what's happening.

This isn't about the US daring to criticize Russia and China They've received widespread condemnation for their veto of the resolutiion. A resolution that was approved by just about every country in the middle east


1. http://www.parliament.com select commitee on energy 14th report, chap 5 - energy - projected EU dependence on russian gas - 25% (para 132)


2. Don't understand the point - what do you mean?


3. german goods (eg mercs and bmw's) are out of my price range.


4. the 'condemnation' is european and US - the world comdemns israel for its violence against the palestinians , but is prevented from expressing it by US vetoes.


5. I don't base my opinions on cxc's or yours - they are mine and they are widely shared throughout the world



Are you a Muslim with an Anglo-Irish name by any chance ? :hihi:

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Buck, old chap, mi owd lad, my mucker, how silly you sound.


The next time you stand in a three hour airport queue, reflect on what you just said - assuming you have a passport to get out.


Thanks to one of your home grown products we now have to remove our shoes before passing through metal detectors. You know who I'm talking about of course?

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We,ve all lost some, not due to the US government but to those who slaughtered 3000 NewYorkers in 2001. The only thing that is blindingly obvious is that you're a reader of the Daily Mail or Youtube, with no opinion of your own, only that of your soulmate Flaming Jimmy.:loopy:


There'll never be peace with crap like that being spewed every time an American needs to justify war.


Let's have a look at the stats on that one. There's this article that claims that since the September the 11th attacks more US service personnel have been killed due to operation Iraqi freedom and operation enduring freedom. Linky


Meanwhile, the documented total Iraqi deaths 105171 - 114868. Linky


We're those people who died in the World Trade Centre attacks worth so many extra lives? When exactly will the score be even?


I often hear Americans priding themselves on their Christian faith yet where's the forgiveness?

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Sorry Harleyman, there was no chance the Sovs could have carried on and taken over Europe in '45. Militarily, yes they were indeed massive but most significantly they were a logistically weak force, with much of their supplies coming from the USA pre-VE Day. The losses they took at Berlin were horrendous. Uncle Joe gets uppity, Uncle Sam pulls the logistics plug, game over for Uncle Joe. And then there was the bomb, which the Sovs didn't get for quite a few years after '45 (= mapleboy can't be bothered to Google it :)).


I posted based on the highly unlikely scanraio that the US would have stayed out of the European war and concentrated instead on fighting Japan. This is what happens when people like Tony sound off about Americans having no part in defending democracy and freedom. One ridiculous post begets another ridiculous post :hihi:


You're right of course about the part the US played in supplying the Soviets, particularly with trucks to move their supplies and troops to the front.

However, the Soviets were able to churn out massive numbers of tanks, artlillery and aircraft from their own factories as Hitler found out to his cost.

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no, I'm an atheist and frank ryan isn't really my name, it's made up - are you really called harleyman?


why the hell do my views on israel make me a muslim?


that's weird.


I just wish you'd change the name Ryan. That was my grandmother's maiden name and you aint worthy of it boyo. I doubt you even know what it means in Irish. :D

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