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Hard to see racism if you're white?

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"...an ethnic person can't ..."


Do white people not have ethnicity?


Of course we do, and it may well be different to our nationality! For example, an Englishman, a Welshman, and a Scotsman all have the same nationality (British) but different ethnicities. A person from a dual heritage background, an English father and a Chinese mother (just an example) might well have British nationality, but their ethnicity is more complex.


Some 'white' people may well have had some black ancestors. And as more and more people from different ethnicities get together, it will become more difficult to tell.


As we make up a huge majority in the UK, I don't understand why some 'white' people get so hung up on the issue.

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Whats your thoughts on this?




Personaly i think it sends out the wrong message because as we all know its not just white people who can have a problem with skin colour.


its pathetic, really it is.




its comedy, but its spot on. watch part two.


the anti racist lobby want and need to keep racism going, as it makes them millions.

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Some 'white' people may well have had some black ancestors. And as more and more people from different ethnicities get together, it will become more difficult to tell.



I guarantee that we all have black ancestry, given where the human race evolved.


It's like when the BNP approached my brother in law and told him to go back to where he came from. His answer was, 'What? Wakefield?' because that's where he was born, but as he put it, a few generations ago his family came from the Caribbean, a few more generations ago his family came from an untraced country in Africa.


If you'd have said the same to me then my most recent past is from the Black Country, but a few generations before that my family came from Ireland and Wales. Who on earth knows where my ancestors were before that?


One of my forum friends has a seriously mixed genetic past. He lives in Australia, but he was born and brought up in Sheffield. His family are part English, part Portuguese and part Indian. When you look at him he could pass for tanned English, Mediterranean European, Middle Eastern, North African or an awful lot of the Asian continent. I asked him once which box he ticks on the monitoring forms that are sent out by councils and the like and he just laughed. I think he's seen racism all ways round by now.

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A black person can refer to a black associate as a n####r as they are black themselves and it won't be deemed racist as they are associates, a white person on the other hand can't.

A white man can refer to a white associate as a white c##t as he is white himself and it won't be deemed racist as they are associates, an ethnic person can't.

I't is all about wether the context it is used in was an offensive one and yes racism isn't only commited by white people.

Now I would take your comment serious had I not been aware of the Somalian girls that beat the white girl, while calling her a white this and that and not having the charge of racism put to them.


Also it would not matter what race the black person was directing the word at, even being white, it would still not be deemed racist. All I am saying is people seem to think racism only works one way and the good old white folk are the only people who should know better and is just used as a stick a lot of the time to beat the white man with.

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A black person can refer to a black associate as a n####r as they are black themselves and it won't be deemed racist as they are associates, a white person on the other hand can't.

A white man can refer to a white associate as a white c##t as he is white himself and it won't be deemed racist as they are associates, an ethnic person can't.

I't is all about wether the context it is used in was an offensive one and yes racism isn't only commited by white people.


I think black people were called n****r as an insult for so long they eventually started to call it each other to show its water of a ducks back.

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I think black people were called n****r as an insult for so long they eventually started to call it each other to show its water of a ducks back.

No, the term is still used as an insult, it may have lost its connection now with 'black' where the name originated but now mean lazy and bum like.


The word has had a transformation and the original meaning is not the same, although it most certainly is an insult. But if a white person uses the word it automatically resorts to its original meaning within the context of racism.


Black people are not slaves any more and white people are most certainly not master, and its been like that for a long time, but mention that word and the perception is your pulling on some ones chain.

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