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Hard to see racism if you're white?

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if the 'nigerians & pakistanis' find it offensive then why say it? We all know who invented the 'N' word.

No I think the word came the Portuguese word for black which is *****. They were big on slavery were Portuguese so I assume its from there were the word originated.


The word of which we are talking about will have been slang from that.


My opinion only, so I'm open to be shot down here :D

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if the 'nigerians & pakistanis' find it offensive then why say it? We all know who invented the 'N' word.
As for Pakistanis I don't see the Issue at all, its no more than if I was to be called a 'Brit' if I was abroad, so anyone saying they are offended by being called a **** are just jumping on the word to cry victimisation.

In fact its a word also commonly used among the Pakistani community.

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so black west indian can call a black african a ******? wrong!


Stop nit picking, those with intelligence understood the point I was making ie if one n####r called another n####r a n####r or a **** called another **** a **** it is not deemed racist.

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Stop nit picking, those with intelligence understood the point I was making ie if one n####r called another n####r a n####r or a **** called another **** a **** it is not deemed racist.
It should not be about the word but the sentiment behind it. It is down to the perception.
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As for Pakistanis I don't see the Issue at all, its no more than if I was to be called a 'Brit' if I was abroad, so anyone saying they are offended by being called a **** are just jumping on the word to cry victimisation.

In fact its a word also commonly used among the Pakistani community.


The word **** is used as a racial slur so it is unacceptable to use it, Brit is not an offensive slur.

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The word **** is used as a racial slur so it is unacceptable to use it, Brit is not an offensive slur.


Correction **** can be used as a racial slur. its all about the context in which its used and how its perceived.

What about some Pakistanis talking about an Afgani then ? or Kurd ?


In that case If I want to take offence at being called a Brit should I not be able to get someone done for a racial slur if they are not British or English ?


Its only because we are in Britain that its not thought of in this way, but I bet if I was in Pakistan being called a Brit could be taken in a different light. Could I get someone arrested in Pakistan if I thought it was being used in a derogatory way against me ?

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It all goes over my head all this name shortening :huh: A person like myself finds it totally acceptable to have my birth name David, shortened to Dave. Its ok for Jennifer Lopez to be called J Lo or Susan Boyle to be called Subo need I go on ? but mention the shortened versions of a persons country, ie; Nigerian = N****r or Pakistani = P**i and the racial defence league start spitting fire and brimstone :loopy::huh:


Do you honestly think that N**** is short for Nigerian?? I would suggest you learn a bit more about the history of racism before you espouse your views, because right now you are a tad off the mark

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I suspect this may get severe backlash but here goes...


Why is everyone so sensitive about racism? I mean, it's basically just bullying, something which I was taught in school to just ignore as the people who do it are lower individuals.


And I'm sick of the left-wing do-good BBC clan trying to make us all feel guilty for the racist views of previous generations. The world has moved on.

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I suspect this may get severe backlash but here goes...


Why is everyone so sensitive about racism? I mean, it's basically just bullying, something which I was taught in school to just ignore as the people who do it are lower individuals.


And I'm sick of the left-wing do-good BBC clan trying to make us all feel guilty for the racist views of previous generations. The world has moved on.


Yes, there were thirty programmes involving communists telling us to feel guilty about racism on the BBC just yesterday.


The ordinary, decent, slightly hysterical knee jerk man in the street just isn't represented by the anarchist elitists who run the media.

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