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More smoking restrictions on the way.

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Look at all the extra jobs it would produce? ;)


Not only jobs for the people who bring the cigarettes into the country, but jobs for the people who try to stop them and jobs for the people who have to 'look after' the people who've been stopped.


Why stop at £25 for a packet of cigarettes? Make Beer a Tenner a pint, make Spliffs £50 a pop. Think of all the low-cost housing you could build with the revenue?


Speaking of spliffs........is it Moroccan that your on?:hihi::loopy:

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Agreed, but I wouldn't smoke in MY car with the kids in.


I dont have kids as such but how long before big brother tells me I cannot smoke in my car... The world listens to liberals it seems. My parents didnt and it did me no wrong...

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It already does.


Highway Code


Safe driving and riding needs concentration.

Avoid distractions when driving or riding such as

loud music (this may mask other sounds)

trying to read maps

inserting a cassette or CD or tuning a radio

arguing with your passengers or other road users

eating and drinking



It's one of the 'advisory' sections, but the Police could interpret smoking as 'not allowing proper control of the car.'

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Anounced on the news this evening that Wales is to monitor a voluntary ban on smoking in cars with children in them. If the voluntary code doesn't work legislation could be introduced. UK expected to follow suit.


I dont allow the kids to smoke in the car anyway ................... not unless they offer me one . :)

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It's not that hard. My bro in law has a very nice motor which cost a lot of money. He smokes like a bloody chimney but he doesn't smoke in the car, he stops. And that's because he doesn't want to depreciate the value by it smelling of fags or having burns in it and wants to keep it nice. If he can do that for that reason then parents can certainly do it to preserve their kids health.


Smoking in pubs is a different kettle of fish, it's an adult only environment and as adults you can assess the risk and choose whether or not to be there. But smoking with kids in the car is just scummy.

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If you want to kill yourself from smoking related illnesses, be my guest! :loopy:


Sorry, I'm just VERY anti-smoking, I have never smoked in my life, and never will.. I've just seen the effect it has on people.


You don't have to apologise for being anti smoking as I should not have to apologise for having been a smoker.

I am interested to know what "effect" it has on people.

I know that drinking to excess ,or eating too much food has readily identifiable effects,but what do you mean relative to a smoker?

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Do you know I have just realised that in my 58 years although I know loads of people who smoke.or have smoked I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say I could not name one of my friends or relatives who have died due to their smoking!

It happens - my dad at the age of 64, a work colleague age 45 a few years later, a friend (just recently) age 42.


All were smokers, all died of lung cancer.


I can still remember lying in bed as my dad was dying thinking how I'd stop smoking. I didn't of course - I carried on for twelve years then This stopped me and I haven't had (or wanted) a cigarette in seventeen years.

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