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More smoking restrictions on the way.

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For heavens sake,most smokers have read enough to accept that there is a risk associated with this and an increasingly higher cost,which has been artificially escalated whilst the cost of drink has been deflated.

Historically which one has caused the most misery to individuals and others around them.

The anti smoking lobby has done a great job in blaming all ills on smoking by quoting all statistics which are in their favour,and people are swayed by this publicity.

It's time that some people thought things through for themselves.

Why is asthma in children far more prevalent today. Not because of smoking,which is much reduced over the same period,but more likely because of air borne particles resulting from the burning of fossil fuels.just investigate the products resulting from diesel and petrol.

If you live in a town or city,you are not going to inhale fresh air.

We are all going to die one day,perhaps of old age or perhaps prematurely because of our own lifestyle or pre disposition to certain conditions.

So you can keep on quoting the old Roy Castle adage about passive smoking,but there's plenty of elderly show biz people still kicking around who performed at the same venues as he did.


Seconded.. :banana::clap::banana:

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and the employees working conditions?



As stated we are of sufficient brain power to make our own minds up, are you trying to tell me if a "smoking" boozer advertised for staff the prospective candidates would not be able to decide for themselves if they wanted employment there. Do we really need the Government to decide for us.



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As stated we are of sufficient brain power to make our own minds up, are you trying to tell me if a "smoking" boozer advertised for staff the prospective candidates would not be able to decide for themselves if they wanted employment there. Do we really need the Government to decide for us.




If I was applying for Bar work, I would refuse on principle to work in a Pub which allowed smoking on the premises.

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As stated we are of sufficient brain power to make our own minds up, are you trying to tell me if a "smoking" boozer advertised for staff the prospective candidates would not be able to decide for themselves if they wanted employment there. Do we really need the Government to decide for us.




Fortunately the government thinks that the rights of an employee to work in safe environment override a particular lifestyle choice.

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Fortunately the government thinks that the rights of an employee to work in safe environment override a particular lifestyle choice.


Indeed, IMO the smoking ban was one of the few things the previous Labour government actually did right.. Wales and Scotland have had it for years, so it was about time it was brought in in England IMO.

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Fortunately the government thinks that the rights of an employee to work in safe environment override a particular lifestyle choice.


Ah that explains why coal mines ,foundries,building sites ,engineering companies are disappearing in favour of call centres.

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IMO If you smoke AT ALL you're a numpty! FACT!


Thanks for sharing your opinion Rich.


In my opinion, people who use silly acronyms instead of typing the full word are numptys!


Also, people who state their opinion as FACT are about as much use as a fart in an envelope!.................in my opinion, of cauce.

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