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LOST CAT in Woodseats 6/2/12 *found*


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Thank-you to every one who read my post and for all your lovely replies.


We found Tigger last night at 11.30pm, sorry for the late update, I tried to access the forum on my phone but couldn't use it. We have only just got out of bed as we were so shattered.


We left at 4am on the Monday night and I was back there at 6.45am Tuesday morning, I went straight to the cat trap the RSPCA had left and had a false alarm as the nursery girls had brought it in and said they'd got him! Unfortunately it was another cat, a big black one, bless him he was just sat there, don't know who's this was but he was absolutely fine and had eaten a nice pouch of Tesco finest cat food! I had to take the trap back to the vets to reset it and went to buy another pouch.


I searched absolutely everywhere after that but still no sign. Apologies for anyone who saw me hovering in their garden and to the man who nearly reported me for trespassing! I left again at lunchtime and came back with my boyfriend to do the posters at 2pm. The vets were brilliant and printed them out and laminated them, i'm sure you've all seen them everywhere now!


We were a bit upset as we had to move the trap at 5pm from the nursery as it was a health and safety issue for the children running around in the garden which I can understand. Actually this was a blessing in disguise as we realised he wasn't going near it probably because he was terrified there as the firemen had been there and that's when he was scared away. As we got to the nursery to move it though one of the dads said he had seen Tigger at 12.30pm that day on the back wall! So at least we had some hope.


I moved the trap just in the next garden with the permission of the kind man. He said he would watch it and call me if anything happened. So we left again at tea time, had an hour in bed then went back at 9pm. My boyfriend had an idea to bring Tiggers toys with us and to rub them on our other cat so he would get the scent.


When we got back again I went straight to the box, where I had another false alarm as I heard something but bless him it was the man checking at the same time. I put one toy mouse in the trap and his other teddy just next to it, I also covered the trap with his blanket so it would look more like a shelter. We walked the streets again but were really losing hope as our cat is so vocal usually and we hadn't heard a sound.


We were so cold and really were starting to believe he was miles away, he would try and come home to us which was obviously impossible for him as we live over 8 miles away. As he is a bengal we thought he would just run and run and none of the treats we'd left near the box had gone.


My boyfriend had gone to get the car and I said i'm checking the trap once more before we leave. I heard something climb up the fence so stopped as to not scare him. 2 seconds later the trap went bang and finally I heard him miow, I knew this time it was him!!! I climbed up and shone the torch and saw his little face. Thank God we were there when he went in it as he was absolutely terrified and trying to get out, the trap was just resting on a wall so if he'd pushed it from the side it would have fallen off the wall and he may have got out, or he would have been in it all night reasting on snow. I called my boyfriend and he came to help, Tigger was jumping around and it was hard to keep hold. We got him into the car and had a look at him, he was fine.


He went straight to his food bowl and he knew where he was.


All in all it was actually only 32 hours but it felt like a week.


I can't thank you all enough for your kind words of advice and support. The people of Woodseats are fantastic and we were overwhelmed with your sympathy and help. Also everyone on here gave us so much comfort and hope. I will be staying on here now so I hope I can help you all out one day too.


Lots of love Suzanne, Sid+Tigger xxx

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