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Got a job but still hassled by the jobcentre!

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Got a job but still hassled by the jobcentre!


A friend of mine is getting utterly frustrated by the way he’s being treated by the jobcentre and is wondering if anyone can help him find out how to stop it.


His story is that, having been out of work and claiming jobseekers allowance for many years, he finally managed to get a job last month. It’s only call centre work and only a basic 15 hours a week, but he worked out that he could just about manage on that so went in to tell the jobcentre that he wanted to sign off and no longer claim jobseeker’s allowance. They said that was fine but he would still need to come in and sign on every fortnight because it was less than 16 hours a week and by signing on he would still be able to claim National Insurance contributions and Housing Benefit (the Housing Benefit is crucial as he lives in a council maisonette and without receiving Housing Benefit he wouldn’t be able to afford to take the job).


So far so good you might think. But shortly after starting his new job, the jobcentre told him he was being sent on a compulsory course with A4e to help him find work, and the dates they wanted him to attend clashed with his work shifts. So he went back to the jobcentre and told him the circumstances but they said that if he wanted to keep claiming Housing Benefit and National Insurance he would have to go on the A4e course.


Needless to say, he decided to go and do his work shifts rather than go on the A4e course and the following week received a letter from A4e saying that because he’d failed to attend the course, they’d arranged another date for him to see them and if he didn’t show up, they would inform the jobcentre who could stop his benefits (including housing). This time he did go in to see them, and when he explained that he already had a job and didn’t need their help was told it was nothing to do with them and he should contact the jobcentre. Unfortunately every time he goes to the jobcentre he gets seen by a different advisor and he has to explain the entire story all over again. They get off his back for a few days then he gets another letter saying they’re sending him on another job seeking course (with a different provider this time).


You can imagine how frustrated he is, constantly being sent on useless job seeking courses even though he’s already got one and the thought he might even loose his housing benefits and be forced out of his home is getting him really rattled.


You might ask why he doesn’t ask his work if he can work 16 hours or more, but he’s had health problems over the years which mean he’s really only capable of working a maximum of around 20 hours a week. Not only that, but the more money he earns the less housing benefit he gets so if he does overtime he actually doesn’t get paid any more.


So in short he’s got off his backside to find work, he has to pay for a peak time Travelmaster ticket to get there and not only is he no better off financially, he’s still getting hassled by the jobcentre and A4e as if he were unemployed! You can understand why he’s now thinking it’s not worth the hassle and he might just as well jack the job in and go back on the dole.


Can anyone help and perhaps answer a few questions such as


(1) is it correct that if you want to claim housing benefit and NI contributions you have to sign on at the jobcentre? Surely your entitlement to HB is based on your household income, not your employment status?


(2) Is he entitled to any additional help such as working tax credits? As he lives alone and has no children he doesn’t think so but surely he’s exactly the sort of person the tax credit system is meant to help?


(3) Why is the jobcentre trying to send him on job seeking courses if he already has one and isn’t claiming Jobseekers allowance anyway?


(4) Aren’t the government supposed to be chaging the benefits system so whatever the circumstances you’re better off working than signing on?

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(3) Why is the jobcentre trying to send him on job seeking courses if he already has one and isn’t claiming Jobseekers allowance anyway?


(4) Aren’t the government supposed to be chaging the benefits system so whatever the circumstances you’re better off working than signing on?


Couldn't say about the first two questions, but the others seem pretty self evident. It's because he doesn't have a full time job and is still claiming benefits.

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(1) is it correct that if you want to claim housing benefit and NI contributions you have to sign on at the jobcentre? Surely your entitlement to HB is based on your household income, not your employment status?


I can only help with this one, but...


I claim CC housing benifit, but not JSA. The reasons for this I shan't go into... However, what I do is declare my earnings to the staff at Howden House every 6 months or so (as I work a little) and they make any adjustments to housing benifits they need to.


What your friend needs to do is to get down to Howden House, pronto. I've generally found their staff helpful and sympathetic - if he explains his circumstances, they ought to be able to get things going for him. What might have to happen is that he'll have to stop everything, then make a fresh claim for HB directly.


Hope thats some help!

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My ex partner was an engineer, and a doorman at the weekends.


He lost his main job, and then was only working 10 hours a week on the doors. He had to sign on every week, and also send any wage slips to Howden house every week, so they could calculate his housing benefit entitlements.

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If he isn't capable of working a full time it could be worth getting this confirmed by a doctor and going on ESA or some other benefit where they aren;t trying to foist you off into full time work. I'm not sure whether you tehn could do the hours, but he'd be able to volunteer or somethign and be better off.

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Can anyone help and perhaps answer a few questions such as


(1) is it correct that if you want to claim housing benefit and NI contributions you have to sign on at the jobcentre? Surely your entitlement to HB is based on your household income, not your employment status?


(2) Is he entitled to any additional help such as working tax credits? As he lives alone and has no children he doesn’t think so but surely he’s exactly the sort of person the tax credit system is meant to help?


(3) Why is the jobcentre trying to send him on job seeking courses if he already has one and isn’t claiming Jobseekers allowance anyway?



1 & 2- No, it's not true. Self employed people on low incomes, for example, can claim housing benefit & tax credits without having to go near JSA or the jobcenter.


Your friend should do as below


I can only help with this one, but...


I claim CC housing benifit, but not JSA. The reasons for this I shan't go into... However, what I do is declare my earnings to the staff at Howden House every 6 months or so (as I work a little) and they make any adjustments to housing benifits they need to.


What your friend needs to do is to get down to Howden House, pronto. I've generally found their staff helpful and sympathetic - if he explains his circumstances, they ought to be able to get things going for him. What might have to happen is that he'll have to stop everything, then make a fresh claim for HB directly.


Hope thats some help!


the housing benefit people do tend to be a great deal more competent than the 'advisors' in the jobcenters.


3- the jobcenter system is useless, most of the rules make no sense and a lot of the advisors give inconsistent advice. JSA is an awful, demeaning benefit to be on, and, is administered in an incompetent fashion. The best thing your friend can do is get some proper advice direct from the housing benefit people, and from the tax credit helpline, and, if at all possible, get jobcenter/JSA involvement totally out of the equation.

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Tell them to do what I did several years ago when I was on the JSa, go down to the Job Centre in a mood, and tell some suited jobsworth sat behind a computer screen that they can officially kiss my arse and I was coming OFF the Dole despite not successfully getting a job.

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Tell them to do what I did several years ago when I was on the JSa, go down to the Job Centre in a mood, and tell some suited jobsworth sat behind a computer screen that they can officially kiss my arse and I was coming OFF the Dole despite not successfully getting a job.


Well done you for becoming self sufficient (or having rich parents to support you) .............however the OP does not seem to be in the same privileged position as you.

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Tell them to do what I did several years ago when I was on the JSa, go down to the Job Centre in a mood, and tell some suited jobsworth sat behind a computer screen that they can officially kiss my arse and I was coming OFF the Dole despite not successfully getting a job.

Went onto DLA didnt you.....

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Tell them to do what I did several years ago when I was on the JSa, go down to the Job Centre in a mood, and tell some suited jobsworth sat behind a computer screen that they can officially kiss my arse and I was coming OFF the Dole despite not successfully getting a job.


If you are not receiving benefits who pays for all your gadgets? :suspect:

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