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Why is this a hate crime and NOT a racist attack?

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Next time post the evidence before you shoot your mouth off. Until you do so I'm happy to say your statements are complete rubbish.


No, you showing me a story after they have the evidence in court does not prove diddly squat. Please the next time you quote me put up the whole quote and not a snippet to make out what you wish people to see. I put that the police at the off, were putting that it was a racial crime against 'stephen' as I remember it, before it was known about or published about the witnesses your showing us now that cropped up in the trial.


Now I know you can read what I'm saying so if you give your brain time to absorb everything I put rather than looking for things to crab, I am sure you will save us all the hassle of having you corrected every 2 minutes.


This topic is about what is put initially by the police and press in these cases and not about what we get reported once the trial has started or is over.


If we wish to look at examples of how cases get treated once they are up and running then here is an interesting one to mull over.




None of the defendants was charged with racial aggravation. Nur claimed Mr Moore, a fence builder, had been racially abusive, but this was not accepted by the prosecution.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070562/Muslim-girl-gang-kicked-Rhea-Page-head-yelling-kill-white-slag-FREED.html#ixzz1lo8CpUZK


Even after hearing in evidence 'kill the white slag' as they were stoving the girls head in.

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What's all that got to do with your bogus claims about Stephen Lawrence?


Until you get me a new paper or link to show that the police were not saying that it was racial at the off, like I actually said, then I am not going to listen to you babbling on.


If I am wrong about it then fine, I will admit I am wrong. But you have not proved anything to suggest I was with your link from the time of/during or after the actual trial. Look again at what I put before you jump the gun.

Full quote:

The point that eludes me is how can this kid thinks that it was racism and who would know better than him that went off?


The Police should treat this as the crime that is reported to them and the victim thinks it was a racial attack, why are they not as quick to inform the press that this was a racial attack as they are in other cases where there were not even any witnesses?


I remember the killing of Steven Laurence been all over the news from the off, even though there was no witnesses to say it was racially motivated and was up to the the Police to actually prove it was.

I'm sure there is loads of other cases where the police don't mind stating it was racial at press conferences before the CPS has drawn the conclusion on the evidence presented to them, but in the name of 'calming community tensions' in cases like this one the word 'racial' is bypassed it would seem.


So is there a difference depending on the race of the victim from the police's stand point?

You see the bold part of which you choose to leave out? thats the 'context' in which I was saying...

I remember the killing of Steven Laurence been all over the news from the off...


Now please if you wish to prove me wrong then prove what I was saying wrong and not what your mind thinks I am.

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I remember the killing of Steven Laurence been all over the news from the off, even though there was no witnesses to say it was racially motivated and was up to the the Police to actually prove it was.



There were witnesses to say it was racist.


You've provided no evidence to back up your claims about the media treatment of the murder.


It's "Stephen".

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There were witnesses to say it was racist.


You've provided no evidence to back up your claims about the media treatment of the murder.


It's "Stephen".

You have pointed out that fact more than once now, you don't get any more points for repeating yourself.


Were there witnesses in the initial reporting? you know, the thing I was actually speaking about? I am still waiting for the link.

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Were there witnesses in the initial reporting? you know, the thing I was actually speaking about? I am still waiting for the link.


Hang on, you were so certain a minute ago, now you admit you don't know if what you claimed was true. The stuff you stated as fact.

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Were there witnesses in the initial reporting? you know, the thing I was actually speaking about?



Why don't you post this evidence so we can decide for ourselves? If you can't it looks like you've been caught telling porkies.


Why would you tell lies about a racist murder?

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Here is an interesting link.




While half of the victims of racial crimes are white the media leaves people with the impression that this is a one way street, giving the perception that racism is only seen as such if it is comited by a white person against someone of colour or a minority. This perception is what I am trying to root out by the topic and I think I have found my own answer by rooting about.


'The political correctness and reluctance to discuss these things absolutely does play a factor', he said. 'A lot of police officers and other professions feel almost the best thing to do is try and avoid it for fear of being criticised. We probably have all got ourselves into a bit of state about this.


'The difficulty in the police service is that the whole thing is being closed down because we are all afraid of discussing any of it in case we say the wrong thing - and that is not healthy.'


This is what I suspected was going off with the way some things get publicised as in the story with this young lad, who although he feels the attack was racial, the police and the media initially did not want to admit it as a factor.

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