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Why is this a hate crime and NOT a racist attack?

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If you'd bothered to read the link you'd know:




The witnesses came forward immediately.


The chief witness was accused of a crime. They all gave statements.


No thanks, no Guardian biast reporting for me....As I remember there were no witnesses to the murder. Some people may have seen them in the area...but that's another matter....

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The Macpherson report (1999) into the death of Stephen Lawrence defined a racist incident very broadly:




That the definition should be:


“A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”.


That the term “racist incident” must be understood to include crimes and non-crimes in policing terms. Both must be reported, recorded and investigated with equal commitment.


I think nothing has been learnt here. This is the point is it not?


This lad, states in the media that he believes that he was a victim of a race attack, but the media and the police steer clear of stating that the incident was a racial attack.


We see that half of racial attacks are against whites in Government figures but in the media portrayal of those incident we find that the lack of reporting on the facts leaves people with the perception that race attacks are only done against minorities.

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That begs the question why they weren't all charged then, it doesn't add up


Have you honestly never read what happened in that murder? You don't remember the racism, corruption and incompetence on the part of the police during the investigation? The influence of Clifford Norris? The previous attempts to intimidate witnesses? The McPherson Inquiry and what it revealed?

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No thanks, no Guardian biast reporting for me....As I remember there were no witnesses to the murder


You're talking rubbish, there were three witnesses to the murder including Brooks




A hospital worker told today how a gang of white youths took just 10 seconds to kill student Stephen Lawrence, while another witness said he heard 'cheering' during the attack.

Royston Westbrook had been at the same bus stop as Stephen, 18, and his friend Duwayne Brooks and saw the attackers surround the teenager.







How come you and hard2miss are trying to lie about what happened in a racist murder?

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Have you honestly never read what happened in that murder? You don't remember the racism, corruption and incompetence on the part of the police during the investigation? The influence of Clifford Norris? The previous attempts to intimidate witnesses? The McPherson Inquiry and what it revealed?

From your earlier link,


21.23 Mr Westbrook did not hear any words used during the attack. Indeed he remarked upon the relative silence in which it took place. He heard only Mr Brooks calling out to Stephen to run. As he got onto the bus which came almost at once he felt a shiver of apprehension when he thought to himself that the attack seemed so motiveless that it might have been levelled at him if the two boys had not been there.

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You're talking rubbish, there were three witnesses to the murder including Brooks




A hospital worker told today how a gang of white youths took just 10 seconds to kill student Stephen Lawrence, while another witness said he heard 'cheering' during the attack.

Royston Westbrook had been at the same bus stop as Stephen, 18, and his friend Duwayne Brooks and saw the attackers surround the teenager.







How come you and hard2miss are trying to lie about what happened in a racist murder?

And still you miss understand me and fetch links after the fact.


Show me a link to media coverage at the time of the attack and Ill stand corrected, otherwise 'shut ya mush' as we say.

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