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Why is this a hate crime and NOT a racist attack?

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If it happened. It's possible it's a made-up story invented to demonise asian people, like the rubbish you post.

I suppose the video in which Mr Rocket had his head jumped on was made up as well and his ensuing headache was a false alarm and the fact that three violent thugs are now serving time are indeed all made up.

I was going to call the perpetrators animals but changed my mind because:-

1.I would have been called racist

2.Because its an insult to animals

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Shhhhhhhh, it is preferred if you could avoid posting anything negative about Asians/Muslims/Black or Eastern European people on SF, if you do so you will feel the wrath of ferno and his band of apologists on the forum and of course be branded a BNP/EDL loving, Daily Mail reading racist/bigot !

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Let's hope the police treat this case seriously, imagine visiting a cemetary to be faced with racial abuse.




Utterly disgraceful. Racially abusing a grieving mother and child for no reason..how do these people sleep at night? Lets hope they all get taken off the streets and locked away for a long time.

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