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Child Brides in the western world

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It still is 12 in some countries; it effectively was here until round about the turn of the 20th century. Indeed, one might well argue that it's the modern trend of insisting they wait until full adulthood which is unusual and possibly out of step.


And you do notice that when a 13/14/15 year old girl gets pregnant, social services might take an interest, but it isn't illegal for her boyfriend to have made he pregnant, unless the parents make a complaint and ask for him to be arrested. Even then it would be a slap on the wrist more than likely. Statuatory rape stands for any man sleeping with a girl under the age of 12. So not much has actually changed, has it?

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not really, cannon law of the time was post puberty sex in marriage, 12 plus.


sharia then and now is pre puberty sex in marriage, 9 and less.


I've never heard anyone make that claim of Sharia before, much less substantiate it. All the ever mention is that Mohammed married a nine year old, and infer from that that Muslims believe in child abuse.

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Very thankfully most people have moved on since 1389. There are still some backward religions that have not.:roll:


yep sharia


What's this "Sharia" religion you speak of? I wonder if the Muslim community is aware that someone started a religion with the same name as one of their law systems? :suspect:

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