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Reporting benefit fraud - dilemma

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You are so right M^RK. Corruption starts at the top and trickles down.


There used to be one law for all, but no longer. Similarly access to the law is no longer the preserve of the common man, he simply can't afford it. Lawyers should be the next in line for public scrutiny. £9 million for Harry Redknapp's trial? Why? Has anyone bothered to break it down to see how much is paid out of the public purse?


Is there anyone in the upper echelons who isn't on the make?


Why do we put up with it?

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How dare you accuse me of trolling ? I am merely going on previous posts on this forum, re; your situation, of which there are many :rant: Now, when you are as disabled as me ie; Full motability and medium care allowance then you call me a troll. Until then, stop accusing me of trolling you sad little man. I have a spinal degenerative condition that will leave me immobile within the next 5 years and all I ever hear you gripe on about is aspergers syndrome. you will have mobility I WON'T. Get off your high horse Rich and realise that there are other people out there with far worse problems than you but still have an opinion. The body may not work properly anymore but the mind does.:rant:

I suppose that means that I will get another ban then for daring to question your post ???


Actually I do NOT have good moblity, as I have a birth defect in my lower spine that has impeded my walking ability for my entire life and always will, if you do think I am trolling or lying go to Walkley House Medical Centre or the Northern General Hospital and ask to see an X Ray of Richard Allen.


I have genuine physcal disabilities, FACT!


Do you see?

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I personally believe anyone fiddling should be reported. I once had a friend that did it all time and someone we knew/ had in common reported her to benefits.

To be honest I think it was right thing for that person to do.

Weather it was a friend or not .


The uk is in debt thanks to scroungers, fraudsters, rioters and bent politicians and all the other crap.

My husband has always worked, we both work now even though I'm disabled and we have three kids.


If i can do it rest of society can :)

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I personally believe anyone fiddling should be reported. I once had a friend that did it all time and someone we knew/ had in common reported her to benefits.

To be honest I think it was right thing for that person to do.

Weather it was a friend or not .


The uk is in debt thanks to scroungers, fraudsters, rioters and bent politicians and all the other crap.

My husband has always worked, we both work now even though I'm disabled and we have three kids.


If i can do it rest of society can :)


Tell that to the Politicians and their cronies.

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