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Reporting benefit fraud - dilemma

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Careful what you wish for Rich, According to some of the posts on here it may come back and bite you in the ass :nono:


Mate, stop trolling.


I am genuinely disabled, and therefore entitled to every penny the Government gives me.

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i suspect someone who lives very near me is claiming JSA and working nights, in fact i know he works nights, however, this man is from an eastern european country, i have also had a "run in" with him, now i dont know what to do, my conscience says i should report it but i worry he may suspect its me and he has some dodgy looking mates, i worry for my own safety and maybe he will be deported, what shall i do?


Mind your own business?

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Mate, stop trolling.


I am genuinely disabled, and therefore entitled to every penny the Government gives me.


How dare you accuse me of trolling ? I am merely going on previous posts on this forum, re; your situation, of which there are many :rant: Now, when you are as disabled as me ie; Full motability and medium care allowance then you call me a troll. Until then, stop accusing me of trolling you sad little man. I have a spinal degenerative condition that will leave me immobile within the next 5 years and all I ever hear you gripe on about is aspergers syndrome. you will have mobility I WON'T. Get off your high horse Rich and realise that there are other people out there with far worse problems than you but still have an opinion. The body may not work properly anymore but the mind does.:rant:

I suppose that means that I will get another ban then for daring to question your post ???

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