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Reporting benefit fraud - dilemma

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The money that gets taken in benefit fraud is chicken feed compared to the vast sums which have been mis-appropriated to bail out the people who became super rich through the activities which brought about a global recession.


It's a case of ability...we can't touch the super rich but we can twitch against our neighbours. The frustration of not being able to get at the super rich usually leads to defending them, not because of admiration but looking a bit lame and powerless isn't an option.



We do have POWER over those that live at #42 though:hihi:

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Being a Wybourn lad "grassing" isn't something i was brought up with, but if i "had" to i'd have to ask myself one question before i went through with it, "would i report a family member for the same crime". ?


And would you?


even if you knew it was going to put hardship on them and/or cause animosity or unwanted feedback to yourself?


The "Grass" culture has grown recently but what is in it for you?



nothing!!! except that you now know you are a grass, and even worse, someone may find out.

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i suspect someone who lives very near me is claiming JSA and working nights, in fact i know he works nights, however, this man is from an eastern european country, i have also had a "run in" with him, now i dont know what to do, my conscience says i should report it but i worry he may suspect its me and he has some dodgy looking mates, i worry for my own safety and maybe he will be deported, what shall i do?


Sounds sexy, you a jilted lover ;)

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I am in a similar position to the OP. I suspect some government ministers who live near me are siphoning off billions in tax money and giving it to failed bankers who are using it to pay themselves massive bonuses. Is there some hotline I can phone to report this abuse?


What about Blunkett and his retainer from Lady Emma of A4E, former Mininster in very quick move to get more public money.


it seems to me that the propaganda on 'scroungers' which is relentless from the Govt and the media including the BBC is doing its work, I'm not condoning fraud, but I wonder if the posters on here who are just aching to shop this man would be so quick to dobb in say a tradesman who is getting paid cash in hand, of which there are lots.

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And would you?


even if you knew it was going to put hardship on them and/or cause animosity or unwanted feedback to yourself?


The "Grass" culture has grown recently but what is in it for you?



nothing!!! except that you now know you are a grass, and even worse, someone may find out.


It'd have to be something extreme for me to consider it, a child in danger for example.

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This is why I asked HOW the OP knows if the guy is claiming benefits, or indeed if he is working?


If he tells people that he is doing both, then report him. If he makes it obvious in some way that he is doing both, then report him, or let someone else do it, it will happen eventually.


If you just 'think' he is claiming benefits, or just 'think' he is working, I don't think I would grass without knowing. Maybe he only works a few hours a night, which amounts to less than 16 hours a week, and is still forced to sign on?

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