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Karl Lagerfeld says Adele is 'too fat'.

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Its possible that in spite of her deserved fame,she will be affected by those kind of comments.I hope she's above that,and it does'nt have a negative effect.


^^^ Hear hear.


I think she's got way too much self-respect to listen to people who believe they have the right to judge, or at least I hope she has.

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Karl Lagerfeld is no oil painting, who is he to judge ? Adele in a recent interview I read somewhere on one of my news feeds says that she is happy being the person that she is and the negative comments about her size do not bother her in the slightest. :clap:

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"chubba" "chubby side" for goodness sake no wonder people worry and the young ones get eating disorders. We are all individuals and come in different shapes and sizes im so fed up of people judging and commenting on Normal sized women.

Apart from that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what is chubby to one is normal to another.Get over it and find something else to have a go at not a beautiful talented healthy woman:rant:

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"chubba" "chubby side" for goodness sake no wonder people worry and the young ones get eating disorders. We are all individuals and come in different shapes and sizes im so fed up of people judging and commenting on Normal sized women.

Apart from that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what is chubby to one is normal to another.Get over it and find something else to have a go at not a beautiful talented healthy woman:rant:


I agree. I imagine there are a loads of men who find her attractive,and not just because of her talent,and looks.I have seen some of the interviews she has done, and she has a lovely bubbly personality.

Mind you..my ears are a bit sensitive to her choice of language sometimes but that might be because i'm a bit old-fashioned about those things because i'm getting on a bit now.:hihi:

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It never seems to be an issue when people criticise others for being 'too thin'. 'skinny' etc but as soon as the shoes on the other foot it's a massive issue?


You make a very valid point. It's fine to criticise, and indeed make programs decrying "size 0" models, which if my understanding is right is UK size6?, but this isn't ok? Why is that? The program that I mean, featuring Louise Redknapp, showed how unhealthy it is to be size zero, and how it was basically "wrong". Well, it's equally unhealthy, I'd say, to be overweight, which Adele is.


I can say this as a person of larger carriage myself. My waist size is too high, I know that. I'm not of the frame to be thin. That said, I know that it probably means I'm less healthy than my thin friends.


Having said all that, I'm more concerned that Adele suggests in her songs that it's ok to be a stalker! I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited....well you're a stalker then!

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You make a very valid point. It's fine to criticise, and indeed make programs decrying "size 0" models, which if my understanding is right is UK size6?, but this isn't ok? Why is that? The program that I mean, featuring Louise Redknapp, showed how unhealthy it is to be size zero, and how it was basically "wrong". Well, it's equally unhealthy, I'd say, to be overweight, which Adele is.


I can say this as a person of larger carriage myself. My waist size is too high, I know that. I'm not of the frame to be thin. That said, I know that it probably means I'm less healthy than my thin friends.


Having said all that, I'm more concerned that Adele suggests in her songs that it's ok to be a stalker! I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited....well you're a stalker then!


They have T.V. like Biggest Loser and Fat Families they address the obesity issue in an 'entertainment' way.

Some of it, I'm thinking mainly of the Chauner (Chawner?) families T.V. appearances, reinforces the idea that overweight people are thick, dirty, benefit scroungers.

People are often comfortable commenting directly about how thin someone is or how they look ill when they wouldn't dream of telling someone they have put weight on or look bigger.

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Humph, the fashion industry is one of the main driving forces behind the size zero culture, particularly the haute couture one.


No stranger to controversy, this man has spoken out about non-stick thin women as well as against gay marriages and parenting; such gems:


"The fashion industry relies on "dreams and illusions, and no one wants to see round women."


after admitting that he clashed with a female German journalist when she asked him to remove his sunglasses during an interview:

'She wore a yellow sweater that was kind of see-through. She had huge tits and a huge black bra, and she said to me, “It’s impolite; remove your glasses.” I said, “Do I ask you to remove your bra?”'


Hopefully Adele will rise above it and not try to conform to this awful body fascism.

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It never seems to be an issue when people criticise others for being 'too thin'. 'skinny' etc but as soon as the shoes on the other foot it's a massive issue?


This is true. I get fed up of people telling me I'm too thin, I can't imagine these same people would go around telling others that they're too fat.

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