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Time to end the supermarket 'happy hour'?

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That might be due to alcohol in moderation not being harmful, indeed some claim beneficial. Where as smoking in any degree is harmful and perhaps more significantly harmful to other people.


I know that ……… you know that ……… and I think Bonzo knows that



I see a disgruntled smoker stood outside in the cold just lashing out at the drinkers sat in a nice warm pub / home.

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In one of your earlier posts you actually claimed its good for you.


This thread is going ever so well isn't it?:hihi::hihi::hihi:


It's probably a question of dose. I would be interested though in seeing the research which shows that smoking say 1-3 fags per week has a net health benefit.



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is it about time alcohol was taxed on a par with cigarettes, sold with health warnings on the bottles and hidden under the counters out of sight??





Heroin and crack is more addictive than alcohol but the reason there are less smack and crack addicts is because its not as readily available. What people fail to analyse is why people want to take drugs, smoke or drink in the first place.


Like in the book Brave New World we need some "Soma"

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I fear this is way off the topic Bonzo's actually on about, plus I'm sure its a simplification, but hey ho....


The trouble with acohol consumption, particualrly here in Britain, is the cultural factor. "Drinking" seems to be a passtime in and of itself. What that seems to mean, in terms of these supermarket deals, is that they can get away with selling drinks that are, frankly, vile as their loss leaders and other promotions.


Myself as an example: I like beer. I like trying different kinds - I'm no CAMRA expert, so I'm often choosing at random, but I'm always up for having a go at a brew I've never tried before. I like the taste, I like going out to pubs to drink my beer in a social place with my friends, and yes, I like that its alcoholic. But, the fact that its alcoholic isn't the sole reason I'm drinking it! Because, lets face it, the only thing the vast majority of the beers you'd get cheap at Asda have going for them is the alcohol content. I don't want booze for the sole purpose of getting sloshed. I'd like a nice alcoholic drink I can actually enjoy drinking. And I very rarely find that in these cheap supermarket deals.


It would seem, however, that I'm in the minority. It seems the majority want their drinks for the booze quota, and nothing else.


Blimey. I'm such an old bloke...

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I'm not promoting anything. If cigarettes are taxed so highly and, soon to be hidden away from public sight in the shops. Why can't the same be done for alcohol?


Because one is highly addictive and always harmful and the other for most people is just a couple of drinks.

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Alcohol and cigarettes are more addictive.



Heroin and crack is more addictive than alcohol but the reason there are less smack and crack addicts is because its not as readily available. What people fail to analyse is why people want to take drugs, smoke or drink in the first place.


Like in the book Brave New World we need some "Soma"


Alcohol and cigarettes are more addictive.

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I know that ……… you know that ……… and I think Bonzo knows that



I see a disgruntled smoker stood outside in the cold just lashing out at the drinkers sat in a nice warm pub / home.


I don't smoke.

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The point I'm trying to get across has nothing to do with which is more addictive. cigarettes and alcohol are just as harmful as each other to the individual. Alcohol causes havoc on the roads through drink driving. Binge drinking in towns and cities sees A&E departments overwhelmed at weekends. Yet cigarettes are taxed more heavily and now supermarkets are having to hide cigarettes under the counter.


How can supermarkets still offer such large discounts on such a dangerous drug. They should either be sold under the same policies, ie under the counter with no discounts on bulk purchase. Or, ideally, cigarettes should be sold in the same way alcohol is today.

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In one of your earlier posts you actually claimed its good for you.


This thread is going ever so well isn't it?:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I didn't. It said that smoking carries some health benefits. Never said it was good for you. The bad health side affects outweigh the good ones.

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