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hey there.....well done Ouse.....

for all those worrying about injuries...worry not....da doctor is in the house.....

between return to sheffild on the 10th and then have a punishing schedule till the 13th...then leave for edinburgh for the run.....but will be interested in running partners for the week beginning after that.....pray letme know if any of u are interested.....

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hi guys! i'm also interested in finding people to run with... has anything been done yet, or is it just postings? can maybe some kind of meeting thing (coffee...blah) be arranged so we can sort something...?

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Hey Ouse, Please take a look at my 25/12/05 post. ( knees locking!) Your KAMIKAZI running schedule is destined for failure. I know that your'e feeling fantastic at the moment, all those endorphins kicking in, but you have to have at least a couple of rest days if you are going to be successful in your running plan.In any endurance sport and even body building you have to give your body time to adapt to to stresses your'e putting it under. You have to let your body consolidate it's gains and get a solid base, then build on top of that. If I don't hear back from you, I'll take it that my advice has gone in one ear and out of the other and I'll send you a kamikazi headband that say's BANZAI on it. Only kidding mate, it's your body:) I just wish that there was someone around when I screwed up royally years ago. Regards, Brian.

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Alzymer - many thanks for your kind words of wisdom.


This week, I've ran every day with the exception of today, doing M 2.1m, T 2.1m, W 3m, T 1.4 and 2 miles. I admit that today I feel too tired to run (went to the Bull's Head for lunch instead).


I am going to take your advice and cut back to running three, maybe four times a week. I've also run through some atrocious weather although that makes you appreciate better weather more than ever!


I'll let you know how I progress (providing the old knee doesn't 'give up' again).

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey there guyz,

i am back...and ready for all the training in the world.....so do we have any volunteers who want to train with me?

if there are any then please pm me or put a message up on this board!


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Well my new years resolution was to start running once a week - I havent been once yet!!


So I neeed motivation and basically a kick up the backside!! Maybe a running buddy is the answer?!


Im not very fit at all - reckon I could run say 5km in 30 mins??! - and I live in the Broomhill / Crosspool / Crookes area.


Anyone fancy joining me one (early) morning or evening a week to go for a jog?!

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Hi Trotterette,


Might possibly be able to join up with you for a couple of runs. I'm getting over a bad ankle after falling over fell (heh he) running, and I was thinking about starting with a few short runs next week.


5km/30 minutes would be an ideal pace for me, as long as the ankle doesn't go again.


I'm in Broomhill; PM if interested but I can't promise anything as it depends on the ankle.


Good luck by the way :thumbsup:

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