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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?

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Well it seems to matter to a number of Conservative MPs who have written to Ed Miliband to complain and demand a retraction.


I would have thought it more relevant that Ken Livingstone found the need to make an issue out of it... as did you.


What was that clause the Labour Party fought so hard about? It seems they don't actually believe in it themselves.

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According to Ken Livingstone the Tory party is riddled with gays too afraid or hypocritical to come out.


Whereas the gays in Labour are all out and proud.


Is he correct?


It wasn't so long ago that the Tories fielded the homophobic 'clause 28', of which home secretary Theresa May was a big supporter, so it wouldn't suprise me at all.


They probably fear their chances of advancement would be adversely effected, and they could well be right. Although in fairness, even the Tories seem to be slowly coming into the modern era on this one.

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