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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?

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Who said nothing whatsoever about gays.


I seem to remember some stuff about not judging people like Rupert's just done, and treating people how you'd like to be treated.


That religious bigots misappropriate bits of the bible and use them to attack people in the most un-christian manner imaginable is depressing.

Im not going to come out and sing songs about the gay lifestyle neither am I going to come out and spout hate about them ,its their life to do as they please so who cares if the tory party or indeed any other faction is full of gays,Im pretty certain the person who cuts my hair is gay ,it doesnt stop him doing a decent job or change my attitude towards him to be honest what he does in his life is no business of mine,the words straight and gay are over exaggerated, people are people its what they do with their lives that make the difference nothing else

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But that's just you showing your prejudice isn't it? You think that gay people should all share the same opinions. Even if he was gay, he's entitled to hold different opinions, not necessarily those which align with your particular preconceived view of what a gay persons opinion should be.


no it isn't - it's about the fact that hague has consistently followed (and enforced) the tory line on anti gay policy - he wants to suppress others human rights to be open and proud while he gets on with business himself. In this day and age I also think that closet gays who take on trophy wives to cover up are engaged in a sort of domestic abuse, unless it was all agreed in advance in which case it's simply deceitful.

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who cares if the tory party or indeed any other faction is full of gays



For the fifth time,nobody. It's irrelevant. We're talking about politicians telling lies.

Ken was making a fair point about Tory hypocrisy on gay rights. Knowing that the Tories have a fair number of gay and lesbian politicians in their ranks he was remarking that very few felt they could come out because of the Party's inherent homophobia and praising the progressive enlightenment of New Labour.

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For the fifth time,nobody. It's irrelevant. We're talking about politicians telling lies.

Ken was making a fair point about Tory hypocrisy on gay rights. Knowing that the Tories have a fair number of gay and lesbian politicians in their ranks he was remarking that very few felt they could come out because of the Party's inherent homophobia and praising the progressive enlightenment of New Labour.

Well thats taken as read ,whats your problem ?

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Read all the words. I don't know what 'Marraige' is , but marriage is a Christian Sacrament. It's something that Christians do as a part of their religious rites. "Marriage is the union between a man and a woman..."


You may not agree, but the fact that you do not agree does not negative the beliefs of those who do and if your disagreement is to be allowed to nullify the beliefs of those who do believe that "marriage is the union between a man and a woman" why should they not trash everything you hold dear?


Why should you be given some special dispensation to practice Ecclesiophobia?


Note Boris' use of the word 'consecrated' The Christian churches 'consecrate' things; consecration is within their remit - it is not a power of the state.




No he did not! - Read the words. Boris didn't mention 'civil partnerships' he was talking about marriage, which is a Christian sacrament. - Something completely different.


Many sects within the Christian church do not accept a civil ceremony in a Registrars Office - a lawful and proper contract - to be the same as 'marriage'. Why should they? - The state has its rules; the churches have their own.


Even if you ignore '3 men and a dog' Boris Johnson was quite right.


Marriage is a Christian sacrament. The Christians have rules, one of which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.


There is no reason whatsoever why society cannot or should not recognise unions other than marriage - but they are not marriage.


Should a group of people wish to celebrate a boy's puberty at a particular (possibly arbitrary - let's say 13) age, then there is no reason whatsoever why they should not do so. They could give it a name - whatever name they liked - 'puberty party' or whatever.


If those people were Jewish, it would be a Bar Mitzvah. If they were not, it would be something else. It would not be a Bar Mitzvah, because that is a Jewish ceremony. Just as a union between 2 or more people who are not Christians (irrespective of their sexes) is not a marriage.


Homophobia (the wrong word, but since most people agree on the misinterpretation, I'll use it) is forbidden at law. There are good reasons for that. It would be wrong for one group of people to discriminate against another group in such a way that the people in that group (homosexuals) were caused distress or fear.


If homophobia in such a case is illegal, why is homophilia - in those cases where it may cause distress or fear to another group - not also proscribed?


marriage isn't 'a christian sacramentt' it's common to all human cultures and folk were getting married long before the christian period - I got married, I don't remember anything christian or sacramental about it

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Who said nothing whatsoever about gays.


I seem to remember some stuff about not judging people like Rupert's just done, and treating people how you'd like to be treated.


That religious bigots misappropriate bits of the bible and use them to attack people in the most un-christian manner imaginable is depressing.


'for man to lie with man as with woman shall be an abomination in the sight of god' (if I remember the quote properly) - one of many reasons to put the bible in the bin and live life as you find it - never unstood 'gay christians' - christianity (like most major religions ) is homophobic, so keep away.

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For the fifth time,nobody. It's irrelevant. We're talking about politicians telling lies.

Ken was making a fair point about Tory hypocrisy on gay rights. Knowing that the Tories have a fair number of gay and lesbian politicians in their ranks he was remarking that very few felt they could come out because of the Party's inherent homophobia and praising the progressive enlightenment of New Labour.

Is the Conservative party full of homosexuals ? now forgive me for being ignorant where does it state anything about lies in that heading ?..Just because youve taken it off topic doesnt mean the thread titles changed.

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