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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?

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I don't think most of them are gay but some of them seem to have an unhealthy obsession with homosexuality.


Some of them even think obesity and buggery are linked.


"We not only have an epidemic of obesity ... we have a huge problem of Aids and the Government's attitude is to do everything it can to promote buggery.


"Maybe those two are somewhat intimately connected."


- Norman Tebbit.




Hmmm, you reckon Tebbit (the Chingford skinhead) is a plum duff? very interesting.:hihi:

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I don't think most of them are gay but some of them seem to have an unhealthy obsession with homosexuality.


Some of them even think obesity and buggery are linked.


"We not only have an epidemic of obesity ... we have a huge problem of Aids and the Government's attitude is to do everything it can to promote buggery.


"Maybe those two are somewhat intimately connected."


- Norman Tebbit.


Yes Norman Tebbitt once told the New Statesman that no gay minister should be Home Secretary because “the Home Office is responsible for laws affecting society – the adoption of children and the strengthening of the family. It is better not in the care of someone who doesn’t feel for those issues.”


He also told the magazine that there are too many gays in the government: “If you accept that the male homosexual population is two per cent, it does seem to be a bit over quota.”


The rancid old tosspot.

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Yes Norman Tebbitt once told the New Statesman that no gay minister should be Home Secretary because “the Home Office is responsible for laws affecting society – the adoption of children and the strengthening of the family. It is better not in the care of someone who doesn’t feel for those issues.”


He also told the magazine that there are too many gays in the government: “If you accept that the male homosexual population is two per cent, it does seem to be a bit over quota.”


The rancid old tosspot.


rancid old toss pot - lovely! could equally be said about lansley, boris, widdicome, cameron, clegg, hague etc etc etc etc

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When the Homosexual Bill was placed before parliament, wasn't it Clive Betts who advocated paying it? :rolleyes:


use the thread for snidey, homophobic jokes if you must - have a go at scriven while your at it, or alternatively, go off somewhere and do some growing up - betts isn't sneaking round under cover, 'employing' boy totty at public expense and lying to all and sundry, he's living his life as what he is and how he chooses to live it.


PS what's the 'homosexual bill'? for a pun to work, it has start with a real premise.

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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?..it seems to be a common misconception among the naive ,shall we say. working class that anyone who talks with a upper class accent is gay,I used to work for William Hagues father back in the 70's and he spoke rather la di da as a teenager but I think that was his upbringing rather than his his sexual preferences.

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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?..it seems to be a common misconception among the naive ,shall we say. working class that anyone who talks with a upper class accent is gay,I used to work for William Hagues father back in the 70's and he spoke rather la di da as a teenager but I think that was his upbringing rather than his his sexual preferences.


sexual preference doesn't determine your accent

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use the thread for snidey, homophobic jokes if you must - have a go at scriven while your at it, or alternatively, go off somewhere and do some growing up - betts isn't sneaking round under cover, 'employing' boy totty at public expense and lying to all and sundry, he's living his life as what he is and how he chooses to live it.


PS what's the 'homosexual bill'? for a pun to work, it has start with a real premise.


Did I pick someone from the wrong party Frank?


Ironic would be an understatement.

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