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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?

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absolutely and he called black people 'piccaninnies' and he carried on behind Mrs Boris's back and lied and lied and lied about it afterwards, he is a lying bigot and hopefully an unemployed one soon.


I suppose if you want to drag the thread off course you could also point out that Ken Livingstone was an IRA supporter as well as a bigot.


You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps.






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I suppose if you want to drag the thread off course you could also point out that Ken Livingstone was an IRA supporter as well as a bigot.


You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps.







no he wasn't an ira supporter, he brought the republicans back into the political mainstream in what turned out to be a start of the good friday process - and if you don't thank him for that then you don't know your history - northern ireland is now a pretty peaceful place because of ken and others like him who were committed to a political route when public opinion on both sides was committed to a brutal civil war.


ken was arguing for gay rights when the tories (including the gay ones) were implementing clause 28, he funded gay pride, he brought people from the gay community into local government - the gay community in london know all this and they know that boris has form as a bigotted , adulterous ,racist , lying homophobe, so I doubt the gay vote is at stake

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no he wasn't an ira supporter, he brought the republicans back into the political mainstream in what turned out to be a start of the good friday process - and if you don't thank him for that then you don't know your history - northern ireland is now a pretty peaceful place because of ken and others like him who were committed to a political route when public opinion on both sides was committed to a brutal civil war.


ken was arguing for gay rights when the tories (including the gay ones) were implementing clause 28, he funded gay pride, he brought people from the gay community into local government - the gay community in london know all this and they know that boris has form as a bigotted , adulterous ,racist , lying homophobe, so I doubt the gay vote is at stake


Livingstone supported terrorist groups around the world. Not only that whilst mayor he used public money to produce propaganda against Trevor Phillips, which culminated in Livingstone saying that the head of the Commission for Racial Equality would 'soon be joining the BNP', which is a pretty revolting insult for a white politician to throw at a black man and one that makes a nonsense of his anti-racist postures.

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