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Is the Conservative Party full of homosexuals?

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Totally disgusting individual.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi denied saying any such thing on Channel 4 News. That story was spread during The Evening Standard's campaign of lies against Ken.


This so-called story is taken out of context and politically driven.


All Ken was saying was that despite there being lots of lesbian and gay people in the Tory party it wasn't until the Labour Party was elected in 1997, introduced LGBT rights legislation (including overturning the hideous Section 28) and had out MPs that the Conservatives followed suit. Labour Party officials are right to describe Ken as “perhaps the most avowedly pro-gay politician in the history of the world”.



Just remember, while the Tories were demonising every minority, with support from a viciously homophobic press throughout the 1980s, Ken was the first UK politician to stand up for lesbian and gay people and has championed LGBT rights throughout his whole career. Ken attended one of the first gay pride marches in the 1970s and gave out the first ever grants to lesbian and gay organisations such as the London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard when he led the GLC in the 1980s.


Once the Mayor of London (2000-2008) Ken sparked the introduction of civil partnerships with the London partnerships register, threatened legal action against Bromley Council for their opposition to civil partnerships, successfully tackled Westminster Council when they banned rainbow flags in Soho, developed and led a free Pride event in central London, showed solidarity with LGBT movements across Eastern Europe when their Pride marches were banned or attacked and funded preventative work to tackle homophobic bullying in schools and anti-LGBT hate crime on the streets.


On the other hand, remember Boris Johnson's past support for Section 28 and saying that if a loving, committed relationship between two men could be called marriage then why not "three men and a dog".


And unlike Ken, as Mayor, Boris Johnson has not attended all Pride marches, scrapped the annual Pride Reception at City Hall, stopped funding for Soho Pride and removed the GLA from the scrutiny of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (which under Ken had seen the GLA come out as the best employer in the public sector).


Boris is also an enthusiastic supporter of the government he voted for, including all its public sector cuts, which are having a disproportionate impact on LGBT people. So, judge Ken and Boris not on their words but on their records...



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Ken Livingstone defends people who want to kill gays. And he was on the payroll of the Iranian government which publicly executes gays whilst working for Press TV.


I'm suprised he has the time left over for all that, once he has finished his daily baby sacrificing ritual and got though his rounds of throwing acid on puppies and planting landmines in playgrounds.

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