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Wartime evacuation of Sheffield


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I didn't know Sheffield kids were being evacuated.I lived on the Manor in 1939 and we had 3 evacuees sent to us from Tunbridge Wells. Pat and Pam Stones twins and sister Dorothy.

Their brother was alloted a place on Motehall Rd. Why did they ship our kids out then and have others come in, beats me. I remember my mother was struggling to keep us with the rations and that. Often wonder what happened to these kids Never know they may be on internet.

Regards Vera

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Originally posted by vilink

Hi, In my last message I should have mentioned we were evacuated from St Mary's school at Walkley Sheffield...

hello vilink,

hope you don't mind me asking (I am interested in Walkley history:) )...


Did the whole school get evacuated? Did the teachers go with you? Did you all come back at once (or did families make their own decisions?).


I've seen several (fiction) films about evacuees and the heroes are always the chidren left over at the end when the others have all found homes! :D



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Hi Hugh, I never thought of us 'left overs' as heros, but you have made my day!

No, the whole school was not evacuated, it was a family decision, this was partly why I was a little unhappy leaving my pals!

I don't remember the teachers going, but someone from the school would go, because I do not think that parents when along.

The boy I was placed with called Dennis was from our school, and a highlight for me was when his parents came to see him, usually every few weeks on a Sunday,they had a car and would always include me in a little trip out. Remember in 1939 not that many families had cars. (we didn't) That was really a big deal for me!

Good luck with your research, please post a message if I can be of any further help. vilink

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My mum was evacuated to Ashopton in Derbyshire now under one of the reservoirs by Ladybower. My dad was evacuated to Long Clauson in Leicestershire with his older brother and sister. He was in the same house as his brother but looked after by different families. They were all evacuated in 1939. My mum and dad both remember evacuees from London later in the war.

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  • 9 years later...
My Dad was moved from Heeley to a place called Paddock, Huddersfield.


We had evacuees in Heeley, from London.


I never thought it made sense.


Or maybe they just came at the end of the war to escape the V1's ?

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