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£50 Billion just got invented.

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It's not real money though is it ? It's just paper that will not take anything away from the countries real defecit will it ?











It makes the defecit that much bigger,and will do nothing to get the economy going,the only people who will benefit are the bankers.

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Fifty Billion Pounds? My calculator doesn't have enough digits for me to enter that amount, but it's about a grand each isn't it? Just give each of us a share and I'm sure we'd all be happy to stimulate the economy ...
It would have been better that they give everyone a grand then and let us spend it, putting money into the economy that way.
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Didn't the Japanese do something like that, give everyone about 500 each ?


I suppose the only problem is that at the moment most sensible people would use any such giveaway to pay their debt down..wouldn't really help the economy .. or would it..

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The Aussies gave everyone cash too.


We just give it to a select few, after sneaking it out of everybody's savings, using inflation as the mechanism.

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you're right, they didn't, well until you can provide proof the party opposed it that is. I can find one conservative candidate opposing it, but that's all.


The current chancellor wasn't a fan


""quantitative easing is the last resort of desperate governments when all other policies have failed"."

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