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Top Ten cheap but romantic places to eat.


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The best place for budget romantics is home really. Turn the lights down, put some soft music on, or put AC/DC on and turn the volume down low, light a few candles and stick summat in the microwave. Lay a little trail of chocolates from the dining area to the sleeping area for pudding - gorgeous! :love:


If you want to go out you'll find that "cheap" and "romantic" may be a bit harder to find. You could go for a BYO place I suppose - there's a nice little Italian at Banner Cross called La Luna. I've only been once because I'm not very romantic -but it was reasonable and you can take your own wine.


I guess London Road may throw up some cheap eateries - they certainly look very "cheap" to me - but I wouldn't know where to recommend as being "romantic".


Still, if you're with the right person I guess anywhere can be "romantic"? Good luck anyhow.

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