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Is smacking children as necessary as cuddling them?

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Smacking as opposed to punching. A 2 year old running in to the road would be one example in order to instill into them that they should not do this. Infinitely preferable to them getting killed by a car I would say. Being cruel to an animal would be another. How many do you want?


You make it sound like a choice between smacking your children, and having them run over and killed by a car.


Of course smacking is preferable to having them killed by a car. But then so are gastro-enteritis, losing an eye, being mauled by a weasel, having their fingernails pulled out and more or less anything that is less bad than your child being killed by a speeding car in front of you.


I'd go as far to say that it's blindingly obvious that smacking is preferable to child death, and wonder why you bothered posting it.


If smacking was the only way to teach children, then you might have a point. But it isn't, and you don't.

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Since we don't think smacking is acceptable as a corrective measure perhaps you woild care to enlighten me as to what measures should be taken with regard to the large number of feral and lawless children on our streets which turn into the lawless adults of the future and don't tell me it's not a big problem . I live on the edge of Shiregreen and Parsons cross and not too long ago had a relative murdered

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So basically nobody is going to answer my question - how do we deal with the lawless children who clearly have no discipline in their lives. Their parents can't smack them, the law can't touch them so will somebody please answer the question - how do we deal with them?

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It is perfectly natural to instil discipline through the pain receptors - all species do it.


The important thing it to use it sparingly, in the same way that the one swear word from the 'person who never swears' has more impact that an outpouring from someone whose every seconds word is a swear word.


I just worry that those who say they don't and would never smack a child are those parents in front of me in the supermarket with the screaming brat being told that they will be sat on the naughty step when they get home - this is pointless as there is no context for the child to learn from - if the child transgresses, then the control mechanism should be implemented immediately and in context.

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