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Is smacking children as necessary as cuddling them?

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So basically nobody is going to answer my question - how do we deal with the lawless children who clearly have no discipline in their lives. Their parents can't smack them, the law can't touch them so will somebody please answer the question - how do we deal with them?


We stop the problem at source and neuter the irresponsible parents!!

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I'll try again to see if anyone will answer. There are lawless children on the streets who clearly lack discipline, Would anyone who is anti smacking tell me how society should deal with these children who have become this way due to lack of discipline at home. Caring parents would not let their child become feral. I won't hold my breath for a straight answer

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I'll try again to see if anyone will answer. There are lawless children on the streets who clearly lack discipline, Would anyone who is anti smacking tell me how society should deal with these children who have become this way due to lack of discipline at home. Caring parents would not let their child become feral. I won't hold my breath for a straight answer


Have I missed the post where you explained how hitting children makes them behave?


To me it seems counter-intuitive - that hitting children to make them do what you want maybe might encourage the children to think that hitting people is a way to get them to do what you want.


There is research to support this; kids tend to make no distinction between being hit by their parents and being bullied.


Your assumption that hitting kids is a panecea is just that, an assumption.


It's as valid as me saying that dying a child's hair green makes them well behaved. It's a statement with no apparent logic that therefore demands supporting evidence before it can be treated as anything other than a straw man. You have no evidence that smacking kids makes them behave any more than any other method.


I agree there is a problem with 'lawless' kids, but I don't think smacking them will help. Indeed I don't think the kids you are talking about will generally have been spared the odd smack. We'd need to establish that the well behaved children are smacked and the 'lawless' ones are not before it even made sense to discuss your assumption. From my own perspective my child is very well behaved (even though I say so myself) and is never smacked.


Essentially what you are doing is claiming an apparently illogical position with no supporting evidence as fact -indeed what evidence there is suggests that the opposite is in fact true - and taking the fac t that no-one can disagree with the nonsense you have invented as proof that it is true.


I'll be away for a few hours while i go and put the finishing touches to my custard powered space rocket. Unless you can prove otherwise, this must be true.

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I'll try again to see if anyone will answer. There are lawless children on the streets who clearly lack discipline, Would anyone who is anti smacking tell me how society should deal with these children who have become this way due to lack of discipline at home. Caring parents would not let their child become feral. I won't hold my breath for a straight answer


Many of those children have been poorly parented and subjected to endless violence to the extent where they normalise it. You can still establish boundaries and discipline without resorting to smacking. There are plenty of other sanctions.

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Since we don't think smacking is acceptable as a corrective measure perhaps you woild care to enlighten me as to what measures should be taken with regard to the large number of feral and lawless children on our streets which turn into the lawless adults of the future and don't tell me it's not a big problem . I live on the edge of Shiregreen and Parsons cross and not too long ago had a relative murdered


Moved on from crossing the road to wider social problems now? Murdered relatives because there's not enough smacking? Unsmacked children going round killing people ...


What point is it you are trying to get across other than your oversimplified, repeated rhetorical question based on false premises?


How's about some evidence? Either way, I don't care but it would help move the debate on.


Find a northern European society that has banned smacking of children. If you are correct, they should be in the final stages of civilizational collapse.

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There are plenty of other sanctions.



One of mine decided without an apology that using inappropriate language was cool. She soon changed her temperament when her phone subscription was temporarily suspended. She not only apologised but actually took on board my explanation why it wasn't appropriate..the result was the eventual apology was genuine.


Hit em where it hurts, preferably not in a physical manner.

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Moved on from crossing the road to wider social problems now? Murdered relatives because there's not enough smacking? Unsmacked children going round killing people ...


What point is it you are trying to get across other than your oversimplified, repeated rhetorical question based on false premises?


How's about some evidence? Either way, I don't care but it would help move the debate on.


Find a northern European society that has banned smacking of children. If you are correct, they should be in the final stages of civilizational collapse.


You're completely wasting your time, although it would be nice to think not.

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Have I missed the post where you explained how hitting children makes them behave?


To me it seems counter-intuitive - that hitting children to make them do what you want maybe might encourage the children to think that hitting people is a way to get them to do what you want.


There is research to support this; kids tend to make no distinction between being hit by their parents and being bullied...


There is research that suggests that contexturally related discipline involving the pain receptors (smacking at the time of the infringement) embeds a message that is not forgotten.


It isn't necessarily about behaviour, it may be about safety - from my own childhood, I was smacked (quick get a cushion for those people who have fainted at the meer thought of it) but to instil a message - perhaps I had run out in front of a car - the fact I got smacked meant that I had a subconscious relationship between running out in front of cars and pain - therefore something I would try to avoid in future.


I reckon smacking taught me many good lessons, and no detrimental ones.

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