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Head of failing public service paid £9.5 million per year

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The number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in January increased by 6,900, unemployment is still rising.


A4e has made millions of pounds profit from no-risk government contracts, which it has delivered well below expectations.


The National Audit Office has predicted that the current 'revolutionary' Tory employment programme, the Work Programme, will see companies like A4e get less people into sustainable employment than if there was no Work Programme at all.


Hatred of the public sector by politicians leads to private companies with poor performance records making billions - for the simple reason that they are private, not public.

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Some facts regarding A4e:


Are is a private company which is entirely dependent on public contracts for its existence.


The profits that A4e makes come from the taxes that ordinary, hard-working people pay.


A4e’s British turnover last year, estimated at between £160 million and £180 million, came entirely from government contracts.


Emma Harrison was appointed 'families champion' in 2010 by David Cameron to advise on getting 120,000 troubled households into work. She agreed at the time that there should be no 'rewards for failure'.

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The A4e Manifesto:


Much has been achieved in the fight against poverty over the last ten years. Over 600,000 children have been lifted out of relative poverty. There are 2.8 million more people back in work. The number of people without a qualification has fallen by a third. There is much to celebrate and be proud of.


Yet with few exceptions, yesterday’s poorest areas are still today’s poorest areas. Poor areas of the nineteenth century are the ‘pockets of deprivation’ and the areas of ‘persistent worklessness’ of today. The longest period of sustained economic growth in recorded history has been unable to lift more people and communities out of poverty.


Despite substantive efforts, the Government remain some way off its goal of economic equality. Poverty remains steadfast on its impact on children. 14% of households are workless in the UK and 17% of children live in workless households. And for the last two years, child poverty has increased in the UK.


All of us, whether frontline service providers or policy makers, face a huge and growing challenge.


Work with us to re-define the future of front line public services and end poverty.


Mark Lovell

Executive Chairman, A4e


Mark Lovell has made £12 million pounds in salary and bonuses during the last 15 years with A4e 'fighting poverty'.

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So who was it that negotiated that contract on our behalf and why did they get us such a lousy deal?



Now you're talking! Who's name is on the contract? Come on! Somebody signed it!


Ditto £10Bn NHS computer scheme, ditto ID cards and on and on.


It's time the actual signatories of these deals were named. It's bad enough billions being lost, but the muppets who sanctioned them vanish into thin air.

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The number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in January increased by 6,900, unemployment is still rising.


A4e has made millions of pounds profit from no-risk government contracts, which it has delivered well below expectations.


The National Audit Office has predicted that the current 'revolutionary' Tory employment programme, the Work Programme, will see companies like A4e get less people into sustainable employment than if there was no Work Programme at all.


Hatred of the public sector by politicians leads to private companies with poor performance records making billions - for the simple reason that they are private, not public.


I was told 3-6 months would do. My adviser then went on to say A4e would simply be paid again if i found myself out of work as i would be placed back on The Work Program.

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