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Head of failing public service paid £9.5 million per year

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^^^^ :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy:


Who told you this laughable joke?

Sadly i had to go there for 2weeks, then for 13 weeks. One of the staff told the room and i asked my advisor and she said its true. Also while at a4e, you are classed as employed even though you still get jsa, just to make the stats look better. It is a joke when the member of staff that we had helping us was always hung over, off sick and foul mouthed. Other staff included a former alcoholic, someone who was on the dole 16 years and an ex gangster. The manager also has a face like a trout.

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Sadly i had to go there for 2weeks, then for 13 weeks. One of the staff told the room and i asked my advisor and she said its true. Also while at a4e, you are classed as employed even though you still get jsa, just to make the stats look better.


That is 100% incorrect.


Other staff included a former alcoholic, someone who was on the dole 16 years and an ex gangster.


Former alcoholic? Is that a problem? They used to be a alcholic? So once someone is a alcoholic, they should never even if resolved be back in work?


Someone on the "dole" for 16 years? So again, once you sign on you shouldnt ever be able to work again?


EX Gangster? You know where I am going with this, EX. As in former, as in no longer. So if someone gets into trouble and falls into the wrong crowd they should never work, ever again?


If we had it your way, alot more people wouldnt be in work huh!

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That is 100% incorrect.

Could you please tell me why its 100%, Well the former alcoholic was off his head, very loud and kept twitching, The one on the dole had 16 years of it at his own choice, he didnt want to work and says it was hassel free back then, so why should he be making people get into work if he didnt want to. As for the former gangster, bragging to people what you did in the past isnt clever. I just think they should employ people who can set a bit more of an example.

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It's a disgrace when you consider that the staff that run these places are desparate for resources to cope with the large influx they having to cope with from the Jobcentre.


I, in all honesty don't understand why we have schemes like a4e. If the jobcentre did their job right then there wouldn't be the need.


We have schemes like this so that the government can claim that they have cut spending in the Department of Employment by xxxx amount. Then they take the money they've saved and give it to one of their cronies to do what the DoE would have done in the first place.


They also use this method to 'reduce the public sector' so that their mates can employ people to do the same job on mimimum wage and pocket the difference. Why do you think the public have been manipulated into withdrawing support for the public sector, and to think of the employees as 'civil servants' when they are more likely to be hospital porters, binmen, and the like?


This practice is rife with the Tories in charge and is used across almost every department. Take a look at 'SERCO' a private company which now has all sorts of government contracts and a Chief Executive earning upwards of £6 million a year.


Meanwhile, nobody can find out the owners of these companies, they hide behind the CEO and a web of holding companies (think Tony Blair's companies which have earned him millions...but nobody knows what they are or how he's done it.)

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link here...T @danjohnsonbbc: @BBCLookNorth 1830, the row about the performance of gov't funded back to work firm A4E. Live reaction from @CliveBettsMP


Is there any footage of this anywhere? I am interested in what Clive Betts had to say?


Has this been on any national news programmes?

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A4e performed under target for previous employment programmes, including the New Deal, Flexible New Deal and Pathways to Work. When the figures for the current Work Programme eventually become available, a lot of people will now be looking extremely closely at the results of A4e in finding people employment.


I suspect that the real public scrutiny into the financial affairs of Emma Harrison is in fact only just beginning...

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We have schemes like this so that the government can claim that they have cut spending in the Department of Employment by xxxx amount. Then they take the money they've saved and give it to one of their cronies to do what the DoE would have done in the first place.


They also use this method to 'reduce the public sector' so that their mates can employ people to do the same job on mimimum wage and pocket the difference. Why do you think the public have been manipulated into withdrawing support for the public sector, and to think of the employees as 'civil servants' when they are more likely to be hospital porters, binmen, and the like?


This practice is rife with the Tories in charge and is used across almost every department. Take a look at 'SERCO' a private company which now has all sorts of government contracts and a Chief Executive earning upwards of £6 million a year.


Meanwhile, nobody can find out the owners of these companies, they hide behind the CEO and a web of holding companies (think Tony Blair's companies which have earned him millions...but nobody knows what they are or how he's done it.)

I agree wholeheartedly this is a mirage sold to a gulliable public peddled by all governments.The list is endless from the past scc projects tendering out housing benefits out to csl/liberata etc which were disasters to the current crop Capita,Serco,G4S etc.All that happens is the money that paid a living wage to public servants is now simply handed to private companies who try to deliver the same service with half the workforce and all previous pay and conditions a distant memory.The point is the same money still needs paying out it just gets handed to the few instead of the many and the tax paying public get an ever worsening service.How can it ever be justified that someone who runs a company that is financed purely by taxpayers money can enrich themselves to the tune of millions surely this money should be helping the people this company was supposed to giving help to it is outrageous:rant:
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