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Head of failing public service paid £9.5 million per year

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I'm sorry but this is utter balls and mis-information.


A4E is an international company with branches in Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Poland, South Africa and India.


A4E is a Sheffield success story. But if public sector workers did their job in the first place, then private companies wouldn't be needed to take up the sack.


I notice you don't complain about REMPLOY though, who do the exact same job as A4E in the the UK.


Well, at least you had the decency to apologise in advance.

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I have no doubt she has a superb business mind..think of the real good if that was applied to the betterment of young kids ready to start out on their future, rather than cynically using them as a tool to line her pockets. She'll probably go down in history as one of the UK's richest commoners....if she reads this she'll be more than likely offended at the term "commoner" than "parasite". What a waste of what is clearly a bright mind.


As with all things A4e, this is an illusion. The oft-quoted lie about Harrison starting the business from scratch is just that. A lie.


'After achieving ‘mediocre A-level results’ in Sheffield, she gave up on her dream of being a doctor and studied engineering at Bradford University.


At the age of 23, her father left England for Germany, putting his daughter in charge of the training company.'


I walked past what looked like a very posh new bar on Corporation Street yesterday, I wondered what the hell it was, until I got to the door.. It's the A4E office. They certainly aren't afraid of spending our money.


Did you see the fully-refurbished VW Camper? About £30k worth of taxpayers money. It's not as if Blunkett could even see it...



Also to the poster stating "paid millions and what for" well with respect, its not your money as you sign on, so how about you focus on finding work, and paying back into the system before you tell the system where to spend its money, when its not coming to you.


Yeah, amy 20, get off yer arse and don't dare to complain about massive fraud and corruption by A4e.


I wonder which branch of A4e T (not so bright) Spark works at?

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I walked past what looked like a very posh new bar on Corporation Street yesterday, I wondered what the hell it was, until I got to the door.. It's the A4E office. They certainly aren't afraid of spending our money.


Would be so much better if people unfortunate enough to have to go on the Work Programme had to walk into a total dump?


Have you seen Capita's building just off the Parkway (Britain's largest public sector outsourcing company)?

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But if public sector workers did their job in the first place, then private companies wouldn't be needed to take up the sack.


Public sector workers at the Jobcentre used to do the 'job matching' services that A4e and other private companies are now contracted to carry out.


And the public sector had better employment outcomes and did it for less money, for many years.


But all of the LibLabCon parties now operate a consensus that private is nearly always better than public. Because of this, public money is given to private companies, such as the rail companies and A4e, despite the end results being worse and more expensive than the results achieved by the public sector.


We are seeing, by the hierachy's of the big three parties, a dismantling of the public sector for ideological reasons.

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What information do you have to justify this point of view?



I do have that information, the correct information. It is freely accessable to anyone.


All the information, including attachment fee's, and job out come fee's can be found here


However for the harder to teach in the class room.


Main points in question are page's 5 and 7 of the document.


Work Programme is a two year course, so using Amy's maths A4e are paid £260,000 per person sent there for a total of two year (they dont get paid any attachment fee or anything unlucky them, a!)


Lets also assume (its bad of me I know...) that they would then return similar figures once they were in work, and again this is tracked for another two years. So another £260,000 per person in work, for two years.


Amy's total A4e get paid for someone on programme for the full 4 years £520,000.


The actually reality


Most referred will see A4e get nothing, not a dime for two years on programme. Out of this they pay your bus fares each time yes? Or sort out interview clothes if needed? The nice tea and coffee you drink too!


IF Someone aged 18-24 that was on JSA finds work, and is still in work after 26 weeks, A4e get a payment. Then if they are still in work after a total of two years they would recieve the full amount upto £3,800.


So Amy's maths = £560,000


Real world = £3,800 / £4,400 for 25+





Yeah, amy 20, get off yer arse and don't dare to complain about massive fraud and corruption by A4e.


I wonder which branch of A4e T (not so bright) Spark works at?



What you call complaining? Trolol! She is spouting rubbish finance figures for people going there. I am simply stating this is incorrect.


I dont work for A4e.


I can also only assume you arent that switched on yourself. Having to quote, and add to half name calling? Pathetic isnt it really?

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As with all things A4e, this is an illusion. The oft-quoted lie about Harrison starting the business from scratch is just that. A lie.


'After achieving ‘mediocre A-level results’ in Sheffield, she gave up on her dream of being a doctor and studied engineering at Bradford University.


At the age of 23, her father left England for Germany, putting his daughter in charge of the training company.'


You should read up a bit more. That company ceased trading and was wound up. Ms Harrison then started her own company.

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Most referred will see A4e get nothing, not a dime for two years on programme. Out of this they pay your bus fares each time yes? Or sort out interview clothes if needed? The nice tea and coffee you drink too!


Not quite accurate.


The payment model for all Work Programme (WP) providers includes an attachment fee, a Job Outcome payment, Sustainment Outcome payments, and Incentive payments.


Every person initially referred to A4e for the WP will include an attachment fee. This ranges from £400 for JSA groups to £600 for ESA/ex-IB groups.


Forget about free tea and coffee (beyond the first meeting), interview clothes or mobile phones. None of the providers can afford to stump up for these luxuries.

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Isn't they key point that this company is failing to deliver the contracted outcomes? Why?


If the contract still allows for the boss to take a £8m payment in one year something is wrong. Don't buy the tripe about work in other countries - on A4E's website if you add up all the clients they have 'welcomed' in all the other countries they operate in it's maybe 40000-50000 at most.


Most of the A4E revenue is from UK taxpayers but they are failing to deliver services and rewarding senior staff extremely well. Where is the accountability in all this? What (Labour) ministers helped set all this up? What (Coalition) ministers are allowing it to continue? Who is responsible?

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