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Head of failing public service paid £9.5 million per year

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You should read up a bit more. That company ceased trading and was wound up. Ms Harrison then started her own company.


ITA previously SYSTA was run by the son for a short period while Emma finished her degree. Although A4e was a new venture it was piggy backed off ITA...that can't be denied.


The offer of CEO was given to Roy Cridlands wife..then a senior member of Manpower Services Commission (see contract acquired from MSC) but she refused. The whole family make the Simpsons look positivity sane. :hihi:

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However for the harder to teach in the class room.


What you call complaining? Trolol! She is spouting rubbish finance figures for people going there.



I can also only assume you arent that switched on yourself. Having to quote, and add to half name calling? Pathetic isnt it really?


Ooh, get her! Pot, kettle, BrightSpark?

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If the contract still allows for the boss to take a £8m payment in one year something is wrong.


Last night A4e put out a statement saying that their performance was 'better than the industry average'. The W2W industry average is pitiful, well below DWP targets for sustainable job outcomes. A4e boss Emma Harrison is being paid over £8 million of taxpayers money for being a failure.


But at least A4e is slightly less of a failure than the other W2W failures.

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Last night A4e put out a statement saying that their performance was 'better than the industry average'. The W2W industry average is pitiful, well below DWP targets for sustainable job outcomes. A4e boss Emma Harrison is being paid over £8 million of taxpayers money for being a failure.


But at least A4e is slightly less of a failure than the other W2W failures.


The Work Programme providers don't have any influence over the labour market though, they do not create jobs. The only exist to give disadvantaged people (perhaps by having been unemployed for a long time) a fighting chance at gaining employment, but even then, job seekers coming through the Work Programme still have to compete with other job seekers.


It's difficult enough for newly unemployed people (who may until recently have worked all their lives) to find work, let alone people who may not have worked for a decade.


If you were a company looking to employ somebody, would you employ the person who has just been made redundant and was last in work just a couple of weeks ago, or would you go for the person who has not worked for years? That is what A4e and other providers are up against. Perhaps the government expectations are too high?

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I'm ashamed to say I worked in this industry until June of last year, and sadly the work placements actually take away the real jobs that would be created. I didn't work for A4e, however I was paid more money that a college lecturer to deliver courses to insult people's intelligence for 4 hours a day.


If it wasn't for the work placements, then the companies that use the W2W programmes would be forced to pay an hourly rate of pay and employ someone. So in effect, massive payments are being made to take real jobs away from jobseekers.


Having attended the meetings, the welfare of the students is the last thing on the minds of the training companies and many of my students were brought to tears by bullying placement officers.


I went against what I was supposed to teach and for 2 days a week taught IT and numeracy, not only did this boost confidence of the students, but many got proper jobs (ie paid and with basic contracts) because they could then apply for jobs and pass the aptitude tests.


I was threatened with the sack if I continued to go against what I was meant to teach and so I went back to the "insult the student's intelligence" and our job outcomes plummeted - the students could not get jobs. I continued until June last year and then called it a day


The best thing to do would be to scrap all the W2W programmes, upskill these people, improve their IT and numeracy and make them more employable. I accept many people in this industry are simply trying to pay their way in life (bills, mortgages etc..) and many are simply doing as they are told to keep themselves in a job.

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To be fair, many of these people will never work again, Some who I taught had been unemployed since the 1970s and were simply put on the sick to get them off the unemployment lists. Its futile trying to get a 50something person back into employment after over 30 years of not working.


The Conservatives, Labour and our course New Labour needed to keep the unemployment lists under control.

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Not quite accurate.


The payment model for all Work Programme (WP) providers includes an attachment fee, a Job Outcome payment, Sustainment Outcome payments, and Incentive payments.


Every person initially referred to A4e for the WP will include an attachment fee. This ranges from £400 for JSA groups to £600 for ESA/ex-IB groups.


Forget about free tea and coffee (beyond the first meeting), interview clothes or mobile phones. None of the providers can afford to stump up for these luxuries.


Correct, and as stated above this is to start off the programme before the payments from long term employed come in.


But there is no payment made for JSA customers simply finding a job on day one. The attachment fee ranges you state are correct. However, there is all the free stuff going I mention. If you have a interview, you can get some money for shoes etc. Tea/Coffee etc is also there.


Attachment fees for the Work Programme (WP) will be paid to A4e and other providers at this rate:


Year 1 (JSA) £400

Year 2 (JSA) £300


What is year 3 and 4 out of interest?


CBA to quote the idiot that feels the need to now reply back with no content other than name calling, as this shows failure to state facts results in name calling. What a small minded person you must be if this is the case.


As also said, this isnt the point of this thread, the point is should she get £9million for failing.


Answer is, yes. Because she can. Its a business, most would and most would say they wouldnt, but would.


I did laugh earlier in the year, when ITV or something had the "job club" and she was on it talking about getting people back into work, when she made mass redundancy's in August last year IIRC.

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Is there any footage of this anywhere? I am interested in what Clive Betts had to say?


Has this been on any national news programmes?


I've just seen it on you tube, if you do a you tube search for A4E Sheffield you'll find it, I tried to link it but the forum says I have to make 5 comments before I'm allow to use links.


..... or you could add the 'www' to the broken link:(


youtube.com /watch?v=hAl8pMkt1wk

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