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Head of failing public service paid £9.5 million per year

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I'm ashamed to say I worked in this industry until June of last year, and sadly the work placements actually take away the real jobs that would be created. I didn't work for A4e, however I was paid more money that a college lecturer to deliver courses to insult people's intelligence for 4 hours a day.


If it wasn't for the work placements, then the companies that use the W2W programmes would be forced to pay an hourly rate of pay and employ someone. So in effect, massive payments are being made to take real jobs away from jobseekers.


Having attended the meetings, the welfare of the students is the last thing on the minds of the training companies and many of my students were brought to tears by bullying placement officers.


I went against what I was supposed to teach and for 2 days a week taught IT and numeracy, not only did this boost confidence of the students, but many got proper jobs (ie paid and with basic contracts) because they could then apply for jobs and pass the aptitude tests.


I was threatened with the sack if I continued to go against what I was meant to teach and so I went back to the "insult the student's intelligence" and our job outcomes plummeted - the students could not get jobs. I continued until June last year and then called it a day


The best thing to do would be to scrap all the W2W programmes, upskill these people, improve their IT and numeracy and make them more employable. I accept many people in this industry are simply trying to pay their way in life (bills, mortgages etc..) and many are simply doing as they are told to keep themselves in a job.


Have you done anything with your insider knowledge?


It's scandalous.


I would write to the newspapers, TV, MP, in fact anything to reach a wider audience, even if you have to do it anonymously. This really needs to be made public.


When is the government going to listen to people who know what's going on?


My money (and everyone else's) is being wasted on this garbage at the expense of vitally needed services. I object most strongly and am sick of being powerless to stop it.

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Have you done anything with your insider knowledge?


It's scandalous.


I would write to the newspapers, TV, MP, in fact anything to reach a wider audience, even if you have to do it anonymously. This really needs to be made public.


When is the government going to listen to people who know what's going on?


My money (and everyone else's) is being wasted on this garbage at the expense of vitally needed services. I object most strongly and am sick of being powerless to stop it.

they only listen when they are wanting your vote . all the mps know this is going on, its the ones in power now that need to change this (but i guess they wont).
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A4E is a Sheffield success story.

Don't make me laugh....


You should read up a bit more. That company ceased trading and was wound up. Ms Harrison then started her own company.


Just one of many of Ms Harrison's lies that she sprawls out.


I have been privy to a meeting with Ms Harrison in the last 6 months and i was disgusted by her lies. She claimed to have built the company up on her own from scratch, having never had a penny. No mention of her fathers money or company she took over.


When asked what support structure was in place for people needing to change jobs and retrain, she said, and i quote... "There is no training. What we will do is try and find people a place on a training scheme at Boot's".


My recent circumstances have meant that i haven't been in work. I am a fully trained joiner. A4e decided to apply for shop counter vacancies without my permission, using my CV. I had to go and see the head of A4e in Sheffield to get it stopped.


My own opinion of Emma Harrison is that she is a liar, leading a desperate company, using desperate tactics, to try and shoe-horn people in to any job on the market at that time. The sooner her company are found out the better for many people.

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Don't make me laugh....


OK, so whats laughable about a company that started in Sheffield, has grown into a multinational organisation, with a turn over of more than £145m pa, employs more that 3000 staff and still has its head office in the city?


do you hate success that much?

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Latest on this pathetic scam to shoe-horn people into work.


There's a new Genting Casino coming to Sheffield.


I was told yesterday about a bloke who was ordered by the JC to 'train to be a croupier'.


He's 57.


First of all, the Job Centre is not A4E and secondly all people who are on JSA for more than 6 months are required to look beyond their current skills for employment.

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First of all, the Job Centre is not A4E and secondly all people who are on JSA for more than 6 months are required to look beyond their current skills for employment.


You mean send them to university for free? Snerk!

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OK, so whats laughable about a company that started in Sheffield, has grown into a multinational organisation, with a turn over of more than £145m pa, employs more that 3000 staff and still has its head office in the city?


do you hate success that much?




People like sucess, but it has to be ethical.


A4e and their ilk do not create jobs, they simply put people into work placements (for their benefits) and this take away real paid jobs from the economy for people to apply for.


Again, the 145million turnover is generated out of taxpayers money

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OK, so whats laughable about a company that started in Sheffield, has grown into a multinational organisation, with a turn over of more than £145m pa, employs more that 3000 staff and still has its head office in the city?


do you hate success that much?

:hihi::hihi::hihi: i take it you not had the experience of a4e:suspect:
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OK, so whats laughable about a company that started in Sheffield, has grown into a multinational organisation, with a turn over of more than £145m pa, employs more that 3000 staff and still has its head office in the city?


do you hate success that much?


A4e is a private company that is paid huge sums of public money, however good or bad its performance is. A4e has made substantial profits despite achieving roughly half (on some programmes far less) of the job outcomes it promised to deliver.


There is no risk whatsoever to A4e if it doesn't deliver what it promises to deliver in order to win contracts. A4e is in a 'win-win' situation. It gets paid by the tax payer even when it fails.


A4e is a success simply because various goverments have decided it shouldn't be penalised for failure. It will be the same with the current Work programme, mark my words.

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