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'Question Time' 09.02.12

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I don't think that's the point.

Corruption and criminal offences in high places have been exposed.

Let's see if anyone ends up in prison. (I'm not holding my breath...)


No, corruption and criminal offences in some high places have been exposed.


This has all been a massive red herring. The politicians want to muzzle the press out of vengeance for their reporting of the MP's thievery. Ditto the Redknapp/Mandaric Show Trial. Whatever the verdict (and I thought it stank) it was small beer compared to what many MP's stole and continue to steal, yet 'they' saw fit to waste £8m of our money on it.


As for QT, I gave it 5 minutes until I saw it was the same as usual. London audience straight out of the LSE, the unelected liar and warmonger Alistair Campbell being given airtime (yet again) by the British Brainwashing Corporation and a has-been 'comedian' (Coogan) coming over all precious when publicity he desperately seeks didn't go his way.

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Question Time last night was crap and circulated around taking a dig at the woman who used to work for the Daily Mail.


I wonder why I watch it anymore.


And you're surprised? From the Mail today:


The BBC has decided it has a duty to ‘out’ those dangerous headbangers at the Taxpayers’ Alliance.


We may think the alliance is an independent body devoted to exposing the widespread waste of public money.


But according to Kevin Bakhurst, controller of the BBC News Channel and the News at One: ‘They have close links with the Conservatives and share many prominent members and financial backers.’


In an internal email, he writes: ‘I don’t think we can carry on without any on-air nod to their political allegiances.’


Gavin Allen, editor of BBC Political News and executive editor of Question Time, replied that similar treatment should be given to outfits such as the Countryside Alliance and ‘Right-leaning’ think tanks such as Civitas.


Naturally, the BBC can think of nothing more heinous than any organisation being linked to those sinister ‘Conservatives’.


It’s a pity they don’t ever expose the backgrounds of the assorted Far-Left lunatics regularly invited on to the airwaves to rail against everything from spending cuts to speed limits.


Many of these self-styled ‘activists’ are paid-up members of the Socialist Workers Party or belong to an assortment of Trotskyite front organisations.


Still, the BBC long since abandoned any pretence of political balance.


This week, journalists were told they must not refer to hate preacher and terrorist ringmaster Abu Qatada as an ‘extremist’ because it could be considered ‘judgmental’. He should be called a ‘radical’ instead.


Makes him sound almost cuddly. ‘Radical’ is the kind of lazy word they normally use to describe any modest proposal to reform the public services.


This is, of course, the same corporation that routinely refers to mass murderers as ‘militants’. When I was an industrial reporter, a ‘militant’ was a strike-happy trades union leader.


Say what you like about Bob Crow, but I don’t recall him ever blowing himself up on the London Underground or launching a missile attack on Network Rail headquarters.


Even if he did, the BBC would probably find a way of blaming it on the ‘savage Tory cuts’.

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No, corruption and criminal offences in some high places have been exposed.


This has all been a massive red herring. The politicians want to muzzle the press out of vengeance for their reporting of the MP's thievery. Ditto the Redknapp/Mandaric Show Trial. Whatever the verdict (and I thought it stank) it was small beer compared to what many MP's stole and continue to steal, yet 'they' saw fit to waste £8m of our money on it.


As for QT, I gave it 5 minutes until I saw it was the same as usual. London audience straight out of the LSE, the unelected liar and warmonger Alistair Campbell being given airtime (yet again) by the British Brainwashing Corporation and a has-been 'comedian' (Coogan) coming over all precious when publicity he desperately seeks didn't go his way.


I agree that Politicians have a vested interest in muzzling the press, and that they used every dirty trick in the book to keep the expenses scandal quiet, including invoking the 'terrorist threat.'


Freedom of information should mean just that, but all they have to do is cry 'terrorism' for anything and an immediate wall goes up preventing anyone from getting any further. I suspect all sorts of scandals lurk and we are only getting to the tip of the iceberg...

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My bold.




Don't you think that many of the things that some people were claiming 5 years ago on the internet and being dismissed as 'nutters' 'conspiracy theorists' etc are now entering the public domain and being proved right?


Some of the things that are coming out would have been unthinkable not so long ago, but people are beginning to wake up at last to what has been going on and why our country is in such a mess.

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I agree that Politicians have a vested interest in muzzling the press, and that they used every dirty trick in the book to keep the expenses scandal quiet, including invoking the 'terrorist threat.'


Freedom of information should mean just that, but all they have to do is cry 'terrorism' for anything and an immediate wall goes up preventing anyone from getting any further. I suspect all sorts of scandals lurk and we are only getting to the tip of the iceberg...


Or alternatively you could just be prone to believing in conspiracy theories :cool:


What we see as much as anything lately that it is well nigh impossible to cover up something fairly straightforward from the press, never mind anything on the scale of some of the conspiracies we've had put forward on SF.

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Don't you think that many of the things that some people were claiming 5 years ago on the internet and being dismissed as 'nutters' 'conspiracy theorists' etc are now entering the public domain and being proved right?



Now let me see what Ct'ers have been claiming - 9/11, 7/7, Dr Kelly murdered etc.


Nope - not been proved right.

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In an internal email, he writes: ‘I don’t think we can carry on without any on-air nod to their political allegiances.’




Many of these self-styled ‘activists’ are paid-up members of the Socialist Workers Party or belong to an assortment of Trotskyite front organisations.




On The Taxpayers' Alliance he's dead right. You're aware it's run by a tax exile?


On the second point, is there any actual evidence of a trotskyist takeover at the beeb?

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Don't you think that many of the things that some people were claiming 5 years ago on the internet and being dismissed as 'nutters' 'conspiracy theorists' etc are now entering the public domain and being proved right?


Some of the things that are coming out would have been unthinkable not so long ago, but people are beginning to wake up at last to what has been going on and why our country is in such a mess.


Perhaps you were just guilty of SF hyperbole, but you said; "All those things that 'Conspiracy Theorists' have been saying for ages are publicly vindicated."


Which is clearly nonsense, and Longcol is correct to take you to task on it.

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