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Why do women wear high heels?


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My daughter is 6 foot tall she bought some of these high heels they all seem to be wearing we were on holiday in Turkey and she turned up for a night out with these massive heels and a mini skirt on, what a sight she looked clip clopping along she tripped over the curb and went ares over heel knickers and the lot on display,she took them off and chucked them in the sea,I said how much did they cost you she said £80 and I only had them on for half and hour she spent the rest of the night walking around in bare feet.

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'clip-clopping' especially if it's someone walking close behind me is one of my pet hates, I have to stop and pretend to look in a shop window or something to let whoever it is go past - I put on a pair of old shoes once recently and was horrified to find it was me who was doing the clip-clopping, didn't wear them again:hihi:

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I think that frequent misunderstandings would put me off socialising.In my case people think I am a foreigner,because I have an unusual accent(for Sheffield).


I'm tall enough that people comment even if I'm barefoot, so after a while you just learn to deal with it and stand with your shoulders straight and your head head high, because I'm going to look really tall whether I stand up straight or not. I just get to choose whether I look tall and embarrassed by my height or tall and confident about it.


My back problem is serious enough that I'd rather not slouch anyway :)

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I regularly get accused of being a bloke in drag, mainly because of how tall I am. Women don't get to my height (apparently!) and I can be anything up to 6'8" when going out for the evening, although it's rare I bring out the heels higher than 4" these days (so that's only 6'7").


I wouldn't worry, 4" are relative Flats compared with the skyscrapers these girls were wearing! I think the rest of their outfits had something to do with it as well....:)

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Well Im 6 foot 5 tall and when my daughter put these daft shoes on she stood face to face with me she put her arms on my shoulders and started laughing saying you have shrunk a bit dad, she hates being so tall and that's why we were so surprised when she turned up with these clod hoppers on.

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I'm 5" and don't wear heels. I'm short and don't feel the need to change it. I'd rather be able to spend longer out in some nice flats than have to go home early because me feetsies are sore. I also have really narrow feet and even heels with straps on don't fit properly and I have always decked it/shoes coming flying off, and the made to measure ones are £££. I'm happy looking up at people and being comfy :)

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