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Why do women get upset so easily?

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I'd have been outraged... :hihi:


I mean the comment "A woman's work is never done" is about as sexist as it gets...

It's infers men do nothing and women are pandering to men all day every day...


I'd have demanded to see the manager and wanted her sacked on the spot for overtly abusive and sexist behavoir... ;)

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Re: "A womans work is never done"

to which I replied (jokingly),

"Well that is because women do not work as quick as men and so never get their work finished"


I have to agree with the other ladies, your response was a little tactless, particularly if you liked her... I can only assume you were not out to win her as a friend when you said it... And... yes we ladies are a bit sensitive to that sort of a remark... If it was meant to part of chat-up patter, then you'll seriously need to review your tactics...

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The part which you recognised as being in a completely different tone than everything else, and which gently mocks the premise of the thread, and yet which you don't feel comfortable acknowledging as humour you mean? :)





I'd probably smile and nod if you had headphones in.


<waits for another poster whose user name I'm too lazy to check to accuse me of virtual assault> :)

It's not always easy to tell if someone is being serious or not, in the absence of smilies, unless

you know them and their posting style. I don't know you or your posting style.

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Do I detect a slight hint of arrogance here.


Touche, that was very good...


It helps if you read Mr Moran's posts in the voice of Cosmo Smallpiece:






You're so tiresome, Mr Moran's a good bloke, you're so nasty..


I often get women pestering me for my phone number when I go out running. They cannot leave me alone, some of them get so hot when they see me in my shorts.:cool:


Are you on drugs?....:hihi:


Hmmm interesting. Not just ME though, I notice it when I'm running with female friends, they get stared at a lot, which kind of proves my point, I would say.


They're probably thinking, "Arrrr, look at them nice girls, taking their mum out for a run"....:hihi:

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Maybe she was just having a bad day?


When I'm out running I yell MORNING at everyone no matter what time of day it is, it never occured to me not to say hi to fellow runners :)


I only say hello to people I may recognise as having seen out running before. But seeing as I'm notoriously bad at recognising people and have been in plenty of situations when someone has stopped me to say hello and I've had to rack my brains about who they are and eventually ask 'where do I know you from?', it doesn't happen very often.

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I went to the bar in a pub and was approached by a rather stressed , though polite, young lady who smiled and asked what I would like.

I told her what I wanted and as she was pulling my beer it stopped flowing.

"Oh dear it has gone off"

she remarked.

"Ah well I replied"

She then said

"A womans work is never done"

to which I replied (jokingly),

"Well that is because women do not work as quick as men and so never get their work finished"...


I am deeply deeply offended by this. My umbrage knows no bounds. I just can't believe that in this day and age there are still women around with such a sexist attitude. How dare she state there are types of work only a woman can do. So much for equality in the work place. If I were you I would report her to the Star so they can name and shame her.




ETA: Humph, I see someone beat me to the joke. Note to self, read entire thread before posting.

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I only say hello to people I may recognise as having seen out running before. But seeing as I'm notoriously bad at recognising people and have been in plenty of situations when someone has stopped me to say hello and I've had to rack my brains about who they are and eventually ask 'where do I know you from?', it doesn't happen very often.


Your admission that you have great difficulty in recognising acquaintances and that people say hello to you when you are out running, leads me to believe that people who you know are saying hello to you and you are ignoring them and looking at them as if they were something that you get stuck on the bottom of your shoe if walking on a pavement in Dore.:roll:

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Your admission that you have great difficulty in recognising acquaintances and that people say hello to you when you are out running, leads me to believe that people who you know are saying hello to you and you are ignoring them and looking at them as if they were something that you get stuck on the bottom of your shoe if walking on a pavement in Dore.:roll:

I usually stop and have a brief exchange if it is someone I know or who knows me. Who knows who half these people are? Perhaps I got so used to the completely different culture living in London, however my point about random strangers saying hello to women whom they do not know still stands.

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