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Another really stupid idea from David Cameron

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It's a fantastic idea if you are a rich man who wants to be richer. Imagine! The government (i.e. the taxpayer) paying half the cost of your domestic servants. Even the Toffs in Upstairs Downstairs never got that.




The amount of people, couples and single parents who use childminding services these days is great, why is it a stupid idea for these people to get tax breaks to help them along?

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I am no fan of Cameron, but might this help a lot of older people pay for home helps and the like? (I personally don't think they should have to pay for them in the first place incidently.)


Are pensions taxed? They can't be much above the tax threshold anyway, so this certainly isn't aimed at them.


If it wss a progressive idea rather than a regressive one, the proposal would be to subsidise the wages of domestic assistence for people who struggled to keep on top of their domestic work, but couldn't afford help.

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From Polly Toynbee's rag, The Guardian?


Good or bad, Cameron at least has the cerebral skills to think of ideas unlike that painting-by-numbers 'politician' Millibland (by a country mile the most feeble Labour leader (sic) in living memory).


Still, it's all irrelevant here in Benefits City. Envy is rife and the have nots will always envy those who have got off their backsides to make something for/of themselves.

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From Polly Toynbee's rag, The Guardian?


Good or bad, Cameron at least has the cerebral skills to think of ideas unlike that painting-by-numbers 'politician' Millibland (by a country mile the most feeble Labour leader (sic) in living memory).


Still, it's all irrelevant here in Benefits City. Envy is rife and the have nots will always envy those who have got off their backsides to make something for/of themselves.



Generations of people followed their fathers and their fathers before them, into the steel and engineering industries until Thatcher put-paid to it all.

Until 1979 Sheffield enjoyed BELOW average unemployment, the Cons ended all that.

The Cons created the benefits society.

Still, why let facts get in the way of a good rant!

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Not having a rant at all.


Think you'll find it's the tracky-bottom, Bankers Draft regular lefties who are jumping up and down.


Which at least is showing a bit of get up and go...



I've never really associated the Bankers Draft with lefties, maybe you're becoming too familiar with the punters down there!

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