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Another really stupid idea from David Cameron

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From Polly Toynbee's rag, The Guardian?


Good or bad, Cameron at least has the cerebral skills to think of ideas unlike that painting-by-numbers 'politician' Millibland (by a country mile the most feeble Labour leader (sic) in living memory).


Still, it's all irrelevant here in Benefits City. Envy is rife and the have nots will always envy those who have got off their backsides to make something for/of themselves.


I notice you don't specify what. A walking cliche machine?

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Descendants of working class people who hark back to those days as some kind of long lost golden era are an insult to the memory of the many brave men and women who struggled and suffered over centuries to earn the rights and opportunities which these toadies would gladly hand back over on a plate.


My granny was in service as well, but she was Irish, forced to emigrate after the aristocracy nicked most of our ancestral farm land for grazing and commercial crops which were exported, even in times of famine.


Consequently I don't suffer from the cap doffing, obsequious subservience to our exploiters which, quite frankly, alway turns my stomach on the rare occasions I come across it.

"My granny was in service as well, but she was Irish, forced to emigrate after the aristocracy nicked most of our ancestral farm land for grazing and commercial crops which were exported, even in times of famine."

...................What on earth is that supposed to mean?.........my grand father was from County Cavan and left Ireland to find work in this country when times were hard.He was not a land owning "toff" like your relative,but made good and eventually became one of the! Big Five" coppers under Sillitoe who put the Sheffield gang wars to an end.Forget your left wing bias,my forebears knew how to work hard and have respect for proper people either poor or rich,they were not crippled by shallow ideologies,they were real people!

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What can anybody sensibly object to on this subject?


If somebody has to work long hours, they may not have time to do things at home and may want to employ somebody. That seems not only a perfectly legitimate reason to offset as a tax expense, but also a good opportunity to offer somebody else work further down the employment ladder.


The only reason anybody could possibly object is envy. Class envy, financial envy, blinkered 'them & us' envy, any of those factors that the left foments in its followers.


Rather than hating those more successful in life, left-voters should instead aspire to doing something better with their own fortunes, that way perhaps they could replace their unhealthy emotions of jealousy and hatred with more positive fulfilment from their lives.

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It's a fantastic idea if you are a rich man who wants to be richer. Imagine! The government (i.e. the taxpayer) paying half the cost of your domestic servants. Even the Toffs in Upstairs Downstairs never got that.






It can only be a good idea if it means more educated women can be available for work. Sounds like an immigrants charter to me though. Good luck to the middle classes getting the regulars down at the jobcentre to do an honest days work. They are holding out for jobs more suited to their talents like being gangstas, professional footballers, models and reality TV stars. The Only Way is Foxhill anyone?

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If somebody has to work long hours, they may not have time to do things at home and may want to employ somebody. That seems not only a perfectly legitimate reason to offset as a tax expense, but also a good opportunity to offer somebody else work further down the employment ladder.


That's exactly it. When we come home at night the chores are boring and time consuming and if it weren't for the fact I'm a tight Yorkshireman we'd probably have someone in to clean once a week and do our laundry rather than spend much of Sunday doing it.


Who is anyone to say whether I decide to do the work myself and keep the cash, or pay someone to do it for me? I've already been taxed on the money once, so any relief is a bonus and encouraging.


There have been a few threads of late containing sniping based on assumption and ignorance rather than facts. Its just a shame that those who start them or spout such drivel aren't forced to continue to take part and - God forbid - actually admit when they're wrong.

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What can anybody sensibly object to on this subject?


If somebody has to work long hours, they may not have time to do things at home and may want to employ somebody. That seems not only a perfectly legitimate reason to offset as a tax expense, but also a good opportunity to offer somebody else work further down the employment ladder.


I'd have thought the left would support this sort of thing. If it enables more people to pay more people to do more jobs, it's an effective vehicle for redistributing wealth.

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Rather than hating those more successful in life, left-voters should instead aspire to doing something better with their own fortunes, that way perhaps they could replace their unhealthy emotions of jealousy and hatred with more positive fulfilment from their lives.


I'm also working very hard at getting a job that allows me to spend most of my working day telling people on internet forums what to do with their lives.

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I'm also working very hard at getting a job that allows me to spend most of my working day telling people on internet forums what to do with their lives.
Good luck with that, I hope it brings you a happier outlook on life than your current fortunes, whatever they may be.
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What can anybody sensibly object to on this subject?


If somebody has to work long hours, they may not have time to do things at home and may want to employ somebody. That seems not only a perfectly legitimate reason to offset as a tax expense,



Does that mean we can get tax relief on all our labour saving purchases like stoves, coookers, fridges, freezers, vacuum cleaners, central heating boilers, cars, flights, binoculars, coffee machines, nail dryers, foot spas etc?

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