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Sheffield Homes MEGATHREAD

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Whenever I have been mucked about by Sheffield Homes. I keep a diary of what has happened, include the time, date, who you spoke with and a summary of what the conversation was about. If you can take some photos of your home.


Take this evidence to your councillor (this is is the kind if thing what they are there for), who can be found here: http://councillors.sheffield.gov.uk/index.asp?pgid=215818 In my experience your complaint gets through to senior managers very quickly.


I think its wrong that Sheffield Homes should be letting out slum housing, excuses like not having the money don't wash, they increase the rent once the home has been refurbished.



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good luck,i live on the flat roof houses on the arbourthorne and they havent had ANY work done in the 40 odd years they have been up rotten. Wooden window frames no double glazing damp in bed rooms mould on the bedroom ceilings the original bathroom and toilet miss match kitchen front and back door that dont fit properly.Wasnt on the decent home scheme .so not getting modernised might be coming down in the next 5 years so doing no proper repairs only boj jobs .so got to live like this for the next 5 years then if not coming down they will do them up :@

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Daughter was in same situation previous tenant refused decent holmes in . She did get the doors a frames replaced but as for cuboards etc etc has to wait several years . Even though 3 inspectors have said yes to all jobs only to get a call after to say no they wont touch them for upto several years.

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Hi currently in the middle of moving into a house basically I want abit of advice it hasn't had decent homes done as the last tenant refused them access, so now I'm left with a ****ty house the door frames are rotten the windows are plastic the kitchen has next to non cupboards even those are rotten and they are saying we are not allowed the decent homes, so just want to ask if there is someone I can go to to make this happen and get things done thank you


Decent homes will probably be done at the end of the scheme (around 2014) you need to write in and ask where in the scheme you are .

The kitchen will only have the cupboards that are required there is a set amount for the size of the house/kitchen.


If you feel the door frames are rotten report it to the repairs line and ask for an inspector for a visit get they're name and ask what their view is, if your not happy write a letter of complaint.




You accepted the property after having a viewing so should have brought the issues up then, if you feel it's a ***** house then why did you accept the property council properties are for people in need and Decent Homes is meant to make properties wind & water tight a new kitchen is not a necessity

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good luck,i live on the flat roof houses on the arbourthorne and they havent had ANY work done in the 40 odd years they have been up rotten. Wooden window frames no double glazing damp in bed rooms mould on the bedroom ceilings the original bathroom and toilet miss match kitchen front and back door that dont fit properly.Wasnt on the decent home scheme .so not getting modernised might be coming down in the next 5 years so doing no proper repairs only boj jobs .so got to live like this for the next 5 years then if not coming down they will do them up :@


Surely it would be a waste of money to do any substantial improvements until the decision is made whether or not your homes are going to be demolished? I can understand that it can't be great having to wait, but can you imagine the uproar if £thousands were spend on each house, then they were knocked down!


And to answer the OP, as I have always understood (and Narden Dee has pointed out), properties where the tenant declined the decent homes work will get the necessary improvements at the very end of the programme, probably in 2014.

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Whenever I have been mucked about by Sheffield Homes. I keep a diary of what has happened, include the time, date, who you spoke with and a summary of what the conversation was about. If you can take some photos of your home.


Take this evidence to your councillor (this is is the kind if thing what they are there for), who can be found here: http://councillors.sheffield.gov.uk/index.asp?pgid=215818 In my experience your complaint gets through to senior managers very quickly.


I think its wrong that Sheffield Homes should be letting out slum housing, excuses like not having the money don't wash, they increase the rent once the home has been refurbished.




I don't think anyone is being mucked about, the property hasn't had any decent homes work done because the previous tenant wouldn't let Sheffield Homes do it. I very much doubt it would be classed as slum housing.


If a street or an estate has had decent homes work completed, the teams move on, and they can't return just to do the odd one. That wouldn't be cost effective. Plus, in a huge scheme like this, someone will always be last to have theirs done.

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