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What can you tell me about the Jesus Army?

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No, the chocolate givers when I was there were a kid who looked to be about 10 and a large (in all directions) chap with a beard.


All the adults that were there looked fairly vacant, but not in that 'I have achieved inner peace' way that some street preachers have, but more in a 'there's no-one at home' way. I think they had a shift-change after lunch because when I went past again later the bus was there but there were no members.


That's good cos the lass who gave me her number said she was going back to where ever she was from, i thought she might have told me some porkies.

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Back in the early 90s when these folk happened to be outside my favourite nightspot, my drunken mates default reply was "God forgives all."


They never liked it. Obviously they are still around and it confirms that for every religion there are always loons who should be avoided. Speaking of which, did anyone watch that episode of rev. where the happy clappers took over his church ? More than a grain of truth in that one I think.

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Was one of the chocolate givers a lass in her 20's, big jugs, piercings and tattoo's on her ankles?


God must have blessed here then given the description. :hihi:


On a serious note I just avoid all religeous groups. If they want to preach go right ahead I have more important things to do. Because unlike them I just have one life. Once its over its over got no time talking to a statue on a bit of wood on a brick wall.

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I used to regularly see Jesus Army vehicles around Sheffield - I remember back in the day they used to have a double decker bus on Fargate some days, and more recently I've seen a Jesus Army people carrier around - but I haven't seen either for a while.


Does anyone have any experience of the Jesus Army or know what has happened to them in Sheffield?


Is it something to do with government defence cuts?

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There is a positive point with regard to the Jesus Army.


There are recruiting. Just not too sure about the benefits.


But seriously if this provides the individual with a sense of purpose and inner happiness, then who are we to judge them.


Better than sat at home alone, watching mind blowing TV.


I had a conversation about this with a friend of mine regarding her neice - it wasn't the Jesus Army but a high profile Sheffield Buddhist group.


The problem arises because - yes - they may get a sense of purpose, but that sense of purpose could easily be achieved elsewhere without the 'donations' an individual either 'has' to give, or is made to feel they have to give. I'm also dubious about the amount of benefit these groups actually offer to the individual compared to other groups - I'm sceptical about the amount of 'inner happiness' an individual can genuinly recieve from a group who's main role seems to be to propagate their own existance.


The Jesus Army from my own experience has some very warm and pleasant individuals in it - and I really don't know enough about them to say more than that - but if they are as dubious as some on here are making out I would suggest that anyone with genuine concerns contact inform at http://www.inform.ac who have been set up to monitor dubious religious organisations.

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Lovely, genuine, caring, misguided nutters then.


Really? who are they harming? Do they try to pass on a message of peace given by a man that lived how he preached? Or are they a violent enemy within? expand on your comments please.


Why did you have to go and try to put words in his mouth?

He didn't say they are harmful, at all.

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The Jesus Army used to have a bus at Chesterfield. The bus went around the town supporting the homeless giveing them free meals they didnt peach at them but gave them a much needed hot meal I think calling them stupid is unfair would any of the posters who say this would go out there and do there work some how I think not.

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