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What can you tell me about the Jesus Army?

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The Jesus Army used to have a bus at Chesterfield. The bus went around the town supporting the homeless giveing them free meals they didnt peach at them but gave them a much needed hot meal I think calling them stupid is unfair would any of the posters who say this would go out there and do there work some how I think not.


Some religious groups help the needy because they think their God will be pleased with them if they do so.


Some religious groups help the needy because they believe their God has told them to do so.


A lot of non-religious people help the needy simply because they know for themselves that it is the correct thing to do, without any divine being telling them.


Some religious groups help the needy because they are the people most likely to want to believe that this isn't their only life, and that suffering here will be rewarded in heaven - thus they are the easiest to convert. It helps if you can offer them a home (Jesus Army has large communal houses), friends, and a job (Jesus Army owns many businesses) Of course if you then insist that a percentage of their income comes back to the church, the church does very well indeed out of giving away a few quid's worth of soup. Worst case it costs them a few quid but God loves the more(?) - best case they get a new member who is totally dependant on the organisation for their income and friendships, and who gives a large proportion of their income to the church, income earned by making profits for a company the church owns anyway.


I'll let you guess which category I think the Jesus Army belongs in.

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I doubt a man whos staving on the street will care where there next meal comes from. If it comes god fearing people so be it. With the government cuts coming our way many people will need there help just look how many people are useing food banks. Love or hate them without them the homeless would strave.

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The Jesus Army used to have a bus at Chesterfield. The bus went around the town supporting the homeless giveing them free meals they didnt peach at them but gave them a much needed hot meal I think calling them stupid is unfair would any of the posters who say this would go out there and do there work some how I think not.


Who called them "stupid" ?

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I doubt a man whos staving on the street will care where there next meal comes from. If it comes god fearing people so be it. With the government cuts coming our way many people will need there help just look how many people are useing food banks. Love or hate them without them the homeless would strave.


Was your comment deliberately ignorant or unintentional?


What makes you think that all the other homeless charities, groups and individuals, of other faiths or totally without any theistic beliefs, would stop feeding the homeless?

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Was your comment deliberately ignorant or unintentional?


What makes you think that all the other homeless charities, groups and individuals, of other faiths or totally without any theistic beliefs, would stop feeding the homeless?


My comments are the stark turth. With the cuts getting deeper by the month theses services will reach breaking point. I know many ex serviceman who are homeless as well as non ex serviceman they all tell me the same story. The Sally Army and many other charties who deal with homeless are struggling to cope. The government will not help so it falls to these charties to there best. Do you anything to help these people or do you just walk on by?

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I can tell you that they rented a huge house at the bottom of our road. They did a fair bit of door knocking and bus parking to let us all know about them.


They didn't stay long.


Mind you, there are a few forthright and intelligent folk on my road:D

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I doubt a man whos staving on the street will care where there next meal comes from. If it comes god fearing people so be it. With the government cuts coming our way many people will need there help just look how many people are useing food banks. Love or hate them without them the homeless would strave.


You think the Jesus Army are solely responsible for keeping the homeless from starving?

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You think the Jesus Army are solely responsible for keeping the homeless from starving?


NO but they help to keep some people alive. Stop playing the drama queen here go out and talk to these people on our streets listen to there stories. Im ex Army you will find many homeless people are ex service people let down by our government. Weather its the Jesus Army, Sally Army, Help for Heros they all give support for these people I say God bless them all for there help no matter how big or small there help is. By the way I peach what I say and helped out many a time.

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My comments are the stark turth. With the cuts getting deeper by the month theses services will reach breaking point. I know many ex serviceman who are homeless as well as non ex serviceman they all tell me the same story. The Sally Army and many other charties who deal with homeless are struggling to cope. The government will not help so it falls to these charties to there best. Do you anything to help these people or do you just walk on by?


I was talking about the comment of yours which I highlighted in bold.

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