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What is Aetheism 2.0?

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No, you don't need religion for these things. However, as religions decline, a vacuum develops.

No, a vacuum may develop for those who believed before religion declined. For everyone else, life would continue as usual.

Can we be complacent about the potential consequences of further austerity? Are riots more or less likley if we had a strong church?

What effect would a "strong church" have on would-be rioters?


In the absence of a strong church, does it fall upon the rest of society to present a strong moral framework to the disadvantaged and disillusioned - those who perceive those at the top as screwing the rest of society for all they can?

How do you think the disadvantaged and disillusioned get by currently? Do you think the Church saves them all?


For a vast amount of us, religion plays no part in our lives and neither does a "strong church". I've NEVER had religion in my life, I don't go out rioting, killing, stealing, raping etc.

I'm actually quite a nice person with a fairly level mind.


I'll ask again, what do you think religion has that we need to learn from?

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RB - it (seems to be) plain you have a deep dislike for the church and organised religion.


... but is there NOTHING you can learn from the ways religions connect with their followers?


... is there NOTHING you'd like to change about society?


Is there NOTHING to be said for a day to celebrate science like I suggested? Instead of having a holyday have a reasonday?


Is the world just hunky dory because you are?

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I've NEVER had religion in my life, I don't go out rioting, killing, stealing, raping etc.


You're a credit to ... to what? What was it that gave you your moral code - and how can it be taught to others - how is it being taught? Is it working?


Society has its problems - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14483149


If we rule out religion as being of any value - what replaces it?

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RB - it (seems to be) plain you have a deep dislike for the church and organised religion.

No I just don't think it's necessary. You are jumping to conclusions.

... but is there NOTHING you can learn from the ways religions connect with their followers?

Apparently so, according to you, but you don't seem to be able to explain what. I do keep asking you.


... is there NOTHING you'd like to change about society?

Yes, but what's that got to do with religion?


Is there NOTHING to be said for a day to celebrate science like I suggested? Instead of having a holyday have a reasonday?

As good a reason as anything for a celebration day. I've not said anything against this. Are you actually reading my posts?


Is the world just hunky dory because you are?
No of COURSE the world isn't hunky dory, I never said it is. You're saying that maybe we could learn something from religion, but so far you've failed to say what. None of the examples you have given are unique to religion, so why bring religion into it?


EDIT: You seem to be stuck in the mindset that religion is responsible for our morals.

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You're a credit to ... to what? What was it that gave you your moral code - and how can it be taught to others - how is it being taught? Is it working?


Society has its problems - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14483149

Are you actually reading any of my posts? I haven't said that society doesn't have it's problems. You seem to think that religion makes a difference though, which you are having difficulty explaining or backing up.


I've already told you where my morals come from. COuple what I've already told you with life experience and you have the current RootsBooster.


If we rule out religion as being of any value - what replaces it?


Why should anything replace it? Life existed before religions were invented, religion is a man made add-on (unless anyone can prove otherwise). You remove that add-on and you have life as usual.

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I've been reading your posts RB - you're coming across loud and clear.


If we were to vote on the issue, then your cross would be in the opposite box to mine!


Vote on WHAT issue ???


I'm simply asking you what you think we can learn from religion that doesn't already exist outside of religion. You should try and come up with something before you continue yo.ur crusade.


You're advocating something without cause, repeatedly.

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