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The Pension Book Cometh


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Well there I was, part and parcel of the magnificent swinging 60's, only to wake up and find that my greatest days are now confined to history. My beloved Mini would be 46 years old, if it still exists, half of the Beatles are no longer with us, however thank god that Mick Jagger looks much the same as he did then.


I wonder what current teenagers/early twenties would think about life without mobile phones, calculators, colour TV, computers, central heating, double glazing and bathrooms for all with showers and everlasting hot water, I reckon that we were smelly buggers in those days.


There were more job vacancies than there were people to fill them, come to think of it, I don't think that I ever met an adult who was out of work. Tramps or Gentlemen Of The Road, as we knew them, were the only ones without housing. Drugs were around, but I never bumped into anyone either using or selling them. There was violence around, blokes generally settled their differences with their fists, however I can recall the odd chair being used.


So all in all I wouldn't swap the youngsters of today for my magical years, I consider myself to have been very fortunate. :D


We are always told we look at the past through rose coloured glasses, but we should consider is there any of our current gadgets/equipment that would have made our life in the 1960's better. I wish we had mobile phones in 1962 then I would not have missed my dad's funeral.

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We are always told we look at the past through rose coloured glasses, but we should consider is there any of our current gadgets/equipment that would have made our life in the 1960's better. I wish we had mobile phones in 1962 then I would not have missed my dad's funeral.


A very good point, I wouldn't attempt to patronise you, but I hazard a guess that your dad wouldn't have caught a mobile phone, had it been thrown at him.

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Well I dunno.... During all my misspent life I've been looking forward to my pension book..:) And what will I get in just one year, one month and twenty-two days? A post office card..:( But I suppose the money will be useful..:P

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Been on pension 18 months, find it a bit of a bummer really, not quite what i expected fixed income and all that, the best thing is the bus pass which is brill! as for the sixtys, bit over rated period of time i know i was there.Todays world is a far better time to be alive, Yes i know there are problems but when hav'ant there been problems?

When i think of what pensioners have today against people in the sixtys ...... no contest.

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A very good point, I wouldn't attempt to patronise you, but I hazard a guess that your dad wouldn't have caught a mobile phone, had it been thrown at him.


Not quite sure what you mean, my problem was with communication in 1962, no phone at home, me on a 2 week camping holiday on the move all the time, dad dies, no way of letting me know.

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A very good point, I wouldn't attempt to patronise you, but I hazard a guess that your dad wouldn't have caught a mobile phone, had it been thrown at him.


He meant he would have been able to get the message while being away.

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, however thank god that Mick Jagger looks much the same as he did then.



He performed near where I live in Canada a few yrs back. I wouldn't say he looks much the same but he sings the same old style and with just as much punch. He's one of my favorites from that era.


Come to think of it, I don't look much the same either. I used to have hair. Bit like a hippy. Peace. Far out. :hihi:

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Still can't believe I'm an OAP (for a year now). All of a sudden I was in my 40s and then whoosh I'm in my mid 60s. There are some great opportunities for youngsters now regarding technology and travel. Nonetheless I feel fortunate growing up as a kid in the 1950s. Although I lived in what was a slum area (the Park district pre-Park Hill flats) it was a great community with many smashing people. The 1960s provided some good teenage years going to the Locarno and seeing all the big names in music coming to Sheffield. Getting old then was what happened to other people but here I am.

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He meant he would have been able to get the message while being away.


No I didn't, I meant that the only people to have such gadgets in those days were the crew o0f the starship Enterprise. Of course the poster wished that in his case that mobiles had been around, my mum never had one, up to her death last year.


The nightclubs of the 60's usually had one payphone, I can't recall ever using one, if I needed a taxi I walked outside and hailed one.

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