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Hate preacher Anjem Choudary

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Actually, now I've considered it. My mum would be sitting safely in the balloon, 'cause Lennon, Choudry and me would have happily jumped out rather than spend more time alone in the balloon with her.


You're not thinking this through. Why didn't you three just throw her out? Keeping her hand bag and purse of course...


You seem to have a bit of an issue with your mum. Is she a bit of a Rottweiler? Cripes!! Its not Suffy is it?....:rant::help:

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Yet more whataboutism..can't you lot answer a question straight. :hihi:


One has to go Choudrey or Lennon/...Its not difficult...


I'll simplify it. Your mum's in a hot air balloon in trouble. She's in it with Lennon and Choudry. The balloon needs to eject some weight. Who would you throw out Lennon or Choudry?


Bearing in mind that one is needed to fly the balloon back down to safety. So you can't throw them both out? :)




With two nutters like Choudary and Lennon there would be enough hot air to see them get half way around the world, and let's hope they stay there!

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Yet more whataboutism..can't you lot answer a question straight. :hihi:


One has to go Choudrey or Lennon/...Its not difficult...


I'll simplify it. Your mum's in a hot air balloon in trouble. She's in it with Lennon and Choudry. The balloon needs to eject some weight. Who would you throw out Lennon or Choudry?


Bearing in mind that one is needed to fly the balloon back down to safety. So you can't throw them both out? :)


Whataboutism is just a word you use to cop out. :roll:

What is the correct definition of your new buzzword?

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Whataboutism is just a word you use to cop out. :roll:

What is the correct definition of your new buzzword?


Who would you throw out of the balloon....


In fact I think I've invented a new theory, of how to expose those hiding the truth, by referring to other issues as well or not answering the question...


In future such people will be referred to as "Balloonafobes" pretty catchy don't you think?


So are you one?...:D

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