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Hate preacher Anjem Choudary

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They should lock him up in the same cell as Tommy Robinson and through away the key.



Oh Albert ! Don’t they have dictionaries in Barnsley ? :hihi:


---------- Post added 21-10-2018 at 15:11 ----------


It's ok, I find such comments confirm my opinion that we many victims of Islam that need help.



Choudary is far worse than the others, but throwing him out of a balloon suggests violence ' hypothetical ' I'd deny him a public platform and others with his views.


But little Tommy Robinson and his mates wouldn’t because they believe in free speech

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Oh Albert ! Don’t they have dictionaries in Barnsley ? :hihi:


---------- Post added 21-10-2018 at 15:11 ----------



But little Tommy Robinson and his mates wouldn’t because they believe in free speech

Sos about the bad spelling , we were dan't pit at 14 so education was of little use ,Put Tommy Robo ,Choudary and all their followers down in the barrels of the Earth for 12 hour shifts then they would have no time for spouting crap in my umbble opinion that his.

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The powers that be should just make him disappear permanently. It would save a fortune in watching him 24/7 .


---------- Post added 21-10-2018 at 17:08 ----------


Why are these hate preachers allowed to rejoin society!? It's utter madness.


Because of do gooders and the human right act, thats why .

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The powers that be should just make him disappear permanently. It would save a fortune in watching him 24/7 .


Just like those Saudis, wouldn't it be great? You could get murdered by the state for being outspoken - brilliant!


Maybe you could sign up to a bit of torture, y'know, cutting people's fingers off with secateurs. Perhaps you could 'disappear' all those annoying people who oppose fascists.

Edited by Halibut
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Why are these hate preachers allowed to rejoin society!? It's utter madness.

because we are a civilised society, we have laws and rights which believe it or not we DONT, and cant pick and choose who can have these rights and who cant.

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