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Hate preacher Anjem Choudary

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He's got a 1 year suspended sentence from a Belgian court. It's a non-story. He just has to avoid commiting another offence while in Belgium, for a year; and seeing as though he doesn't actually live there then it shouldn't be too difficult.


More hand-clapping and wooping will now follow, while the man still walks about free.


If you are genuinely against Islamic extremism, then recognise this sentence as meaningless. It won't bother him one little bit, and gives him another reason to sulk and pose as a freedom fighter against Western oppression.

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He's got a 1 year suspended sentence from a Belgian court. It's a non-story. He just has to avoid commiting another offence while in Belgium, for a year; and seeing as though he doesn't actually live there then it shouldn't be too difficult.


More hand-clapping and wooping will now follow, while the man still walks about free.


If you are genuinely against Islamic extremism, then recognise this sentence as meaningless. It won't bother him one little bit, and gives him another reason to sulk and pose as a freedom fighter against Western oppression.


Pity that, I'll save the soap on a rope though.

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Griffin and Lennon both have convictions Lennon had a string of convictions football related years before his the edl related convictions.



It may have escaped your attention but Mr Lennon has much more recent convictions for football hooliganism, a quick Google search found this:




Wasn't he nicked for nutting an EDL supporter a while back too?

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