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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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Ah but Millibrain isn't a Socialist. In fact they are few and far between in Labour Party. But that fact doesn't stop the loony lefties voting for them and then complaining they aren't proper Labour.


Of course Labour's paymasters, the unions, are socialists. That's why the likes of Millibrain, Balls and the rest are talking out of both sides of their mouths. They can't get elected on socialist principles because that philosophy died years ago. They can't keep the support of the unions without delivering more loony socialist policies. So whatever promises they make they will always go back to their ruinous tax and spend policies as we have had in Sheffield since Adam was a lad.


At least Labours paymasters are up front and open about their intentions and expectations. Nowt secretive about Unions, TUC conference is always shown 'warts an all' on TV. So is the Labour Conference...........now the Conservative Party Conference is a PR exercise on TV....the REAL conference takes place in the backroom where Cameron and Co recieve their 'backhanders'.

All we on the left ask for is a fair deal, we dont want 'owt for nowt. Harold Macmillan told us we had never had it so good...........I'm still waiting for my share.

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Only until Scotland splits-off: then they'll be in power more or less for ever.


But that would be Labour's fault for not changing the system while they could. If they'd brought in PR and governed as if they thought they had some responsibility towards the electorate they could have avoided potential Scottish independence. But they got drunk on their power and messed up. I'd love to see Scotland go independent as a big two fingers to all 3 of the main parties.

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But that would be Labour's fault for not changing the system while they could. If they'd brought in PR and governed as if they thought they had some responsibility towards the electorate they could have avoided potential Scottish independence. But they got drunk on their power and messed up. I'd love to see Scotland go independent as a big two fingers to all 3 of the main parties.



There's nothing stopping you from going up there to join 'em!

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At least Labours paymasters are up front and open about their intentions and expectations. Nowt secretive about Unions, TUC conference is always shown 'warts an all' on TV. So is the Labour Conference...........now the Conservative Party Conference is a PR exercise on TV....the REAL conference takes place in the backroom where Cameron and Co recieve their 'backhanders'.

All we on the left ask for is a fair deal, we dont want 'owt for nowt. Harold Macmillan told us we had never had it so good...........I'm still waiting for my share.




Oh come on! Labour Party conferences are show pieces of false unity. Dissent simply isn't allowed.


Is that old Selective Socialist Amnesia kicking in again?


At the 2005 party conference Labour's thugs assaulted 82 year old Walter Wolfgang in the auditorium because he was heckling Jack Straw by calling his speech on Iraq "nonsense". Another delegate who stepped in to help Mr Wolfgang was also assaulted. Labour organisers confiscated Mr Wolfgang's conference pass and told the police to arrest him under their own anti terrorist laws. Party chairman Ian McCartney then lied to the press about why Mr Wolfgang had been thrown out of the hall.


Don't you loons ever get tired of living in a parallel universe?


I think you'll find Britain had never had it so good till Labour got in and put an end to it. Of course you want something for nothing. When you had it all in the '70s it still wasn't enough for you.

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