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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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From his Wikipedia page;


"Patnick was one of the sources for The Sun newspaper's notorious coverage of the Hillsborough disaster. Sun editor Kelvin Mackenzie later said of his coverage "It was a fundamental mistake. The mistake was I believed what an MP said.""


Patnick fed lies to the Sun on behalf of South Yorkshire police. If even Kelvin MacKenzie thinks you're too corrupt to be believed then the words honour and principle aren't in your own language.


I think old Irvine was more naieve than dishonest. Nobody trusted South Yorkshire Police's version of events, only perhaps Irvine himself.

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Yes, at least I'm not that sad person that has nothing to add to a debate other than spell checking the thread entry's.


I have noticed there's two forms of self appointment school teachers of the SF: -


1. The troll teacher - who is not really interested in the subject being discussed, but takes great pleasure in spell checking.


2. The loosing the debate teacher - A person who was involved in the arguement/debate but has nothing left to input to justify there viewpoint. Instead, they resort to spell checking the winning posts thread hoping to demonstrate that they are the most intellegent because they can spell.


:hihi::hihi::hihi: I'de say I don't give a shtt, but I'de be lying or I wouldn't done this post lol.


Oh,the irony :hihi::hihi:

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Why does he need to? It's a win/win!

Scotland stays: he shows what a splendid statesman he is.

Scotland goes: Conservatives gain permanent power in rest of UK.


After one period of office with no effective opposition the Torys would go into warp drive. The electorate would be so sick of their greed and aloofness they would vote for anybody to get rid of 'em. Maggie was in a position of power and she ended up as mad as a box of frogs...............bring it on, the Torys will blow their OWN brains out. Then the whole circus will begin again....:loopy:

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You are suggesting that the parts of town where Labour supporters live are 'grubby', and you reckon all socialists are scrubbers and scroungers who put nothing in but want everything for nothing. You are a SNOB my friend, probably proud of it as well, and a real brainwashed sad case. I live right on the edge of a very large country park, the Trans Pennnine Trail cuts thru it. I reckon in my neck of the woods we have more Landrovers, green wellies and horse riders than anywhere else in Sheffield. We also returned Angela Smith as our MP, a very nice and supportive lady who has helped me in my campaigns for better treatment for cancer sufferers. Oh, and she is a LABOUR MP. The grubby areas you refer to are mainly in the minds of Torys........grubby minds, greedy philosophy's, a disgusting lack of compassion for your fellow man.................I reckon you qualify as an ideal Tory candidate, when are you going to stand for election ???

Trouble is, you know you wont win. The only seat your Torys had was stolen by that cretin, Nick Clegg.................when the Tory support collapsed altogether, albeit in the wealthiest constituency out side of London. Even THEY dont trust the Conservatives. At least old Irvine Patnick was a man of honour and principle. He would not have sold his soul to the devil.......like'old Nick' Clegg.




Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?


Richard Allen was the Lib Dem MP for Hallam before Clegg


If you can't get some basic facts right it doesn't help the rest of your inaccurate rantings.


Angela Smith is not interested in the people of whichever constituency she has now. She is only interested in Angela Smith and husband she employs at tax payers expense. Wasn't he the one tweeting a few boasts from the Bahamas? Ms Smith was another one caught with her hand in the till claiming expenses for four beds for a one bedroom flat.


Just more Labour money grubbers who don't give a damn about the fools who keep them in a lifestyle they could never get by working for a living.

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