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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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After one period of office with no effective opposition the Torys would go into warp drive. The electorate would be so sick of their greed and aloofness they would vote for anybody to get rid of 'em. Maggie was in a position of power and she ended up as mad as a box of frogs...............bring it on, the Torys will blow their OWN brains out. Then the whole circus will begin again....:loopy:



The Tories will blow it through their own greed as you say. Fortunately that won't be for another 13 years or so. Thankfully, they won't trash the economy before they go.

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When Labour took over in 1997 the country owed nothing. After 13 years of Labour we owed £600,000,000,000.





That is quite simply wrong. In 1997, the Tories left this country with around £350 billion of national debt amounting to just over 40% of GDP at that time. To say that the country owed nothing in 1997 is false. These are basic facts Jim if you'd have bothered to look them up.

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It really is just a class and wealth thing to you, isn't it?


In most of England - away from embittered left wing Labour heartlands like South Yorkshire - it's quite different. Ordinary working people vote Conservative because they don't like Labour squandering their hard-earned tax on its policy of bloating the welfare state to buy the votes of all the dole monkeys, or uncontrolled immigration, or excessive state controls. England is a Conservative country - it's only the Scottish and Welsh seats that make it close come election time. Because of Labour's advantage in the constituency boundaries, we have in the past even had Labour election win despite more people in the UK voting Conservative than labour - do you suggest that every Conservative voter is wealthy?


They're not, most are ordinary people who just like traditional British and English values and don't like what Labour does. Labour and the trades Unions have brainwashed their followers into thinking it's a class war, and that Tories are all either 'Toffs or two bob millionaires'. Well, if they were, they wouldn't get enough votes, and England wouldn't be a predominantly Tory country, would it?


Wrong! In 1997, Labour got 11.3 million votes vs 8.7 million Conservative votes in the English constituencies (328 Labour vs 165 Tory English MPs elected). Labour didn't need any of the Scottish or Welsh votes to win the election. They may have had an electoral advantage in the last 20 years or so with regards to the constituency boundaries, but then so did the Tories many many years ago. What the Tories don't like of course is that it takes less votes to elect a Labour MP as opposed to a Tory MP. In the Tory heartlands, Tory votes are simply wasted as a result of building up huge majorities. Of course Cameron is going to 'correct' this anti Tory bias with his Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011.

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For what it's worth, I think Labour will eventually get into power again - but it won't be with Ed Milliband or any of Browns former inner circle in charge of the Labour party. If Scotland secedes from the Union, then that would obviously make it much more difficult for Labour to achieve a working majority in Parliament. As I mentioned before, they did it in 1997 without the need for Scottish or Welsh votes when the public were utterly sick and tired of 18 years of Tory rule.

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That is quite simply wrong. In 1997, the Tories left this country with around £350 billion of national debt amounting to just over 40% of GDP at that time. To say that the country owed nothing in 1997 is false. These are basic facts Jim if you'd have bothered to look them up.




And Labour left owing 100% of GDP. I know who I would rather have in charge of finance.

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And Labour left owing 100% of GDP. I know who I would rather have in charge of finance.


What makes you think the Tories are any better at managing the public finances? We had 3 million unemployed during the Tory recession of the early 90s. Do you remember Black Wednesday when that incompetent Chancellor Norman Lamont poured a few billion pounds into a black hole in a futile attempt to prop up sterling. His special adviser at the time was none other than David Cameron. I wouldn't trust any of them.


If the Tories had won the election in 2001 or 2005, you could bet your bottom dollar that they would have implemented even lighter touch banking regulation than Labour. If they'd had been in charge during 2008/9, we'd have probably been in a far worse position. The truth is that this Tory administration are a bunch of amateurs who are exasperating the dire situation even further.

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Give it three quarters of an hour to realise why it will be a while before Labour get a sniff.


Don't be so sure Tone, wait for the backlash when the cuts start to kick-in.


YouGov/Sunday Times – CON 37, LAB 41, LDEM 7

18 Feb 2012

Tonight’s YouGov poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 37%, LAB 41%, LDEM 7%, Others 15%. It’s a four point lead for Labour and a very low score for the Lib Dems, the lowest since last month.


Normal caveats apply, it could the start of a trend, or it could just be normal margin of error – we’ve had one 4 point and one 5 point Lab lead this month, and a poll last month showing the Lib Dems at seven, and in both cases things were back to rather more normal figures the next day.


That said, while YouGov’s daily polls are flitting between Labour and Conservative leads due to normal variation within the margin of error, we are seeing rather more Labour leads than Tory ones, and rather bigger Labour leads than Tory ones, suggesting the underlying position is a small Labour lead of a point or so (the average Labour lead in YouGov’s polls so far this month is 1.5 points).

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