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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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Don't be so sure Tone, wait for the backlash when the cuts start to kick-in.


YouGov/Sunday Times – CON 37, LAB 41, LDEM 7

18 Feb 2012

Tonight’s YouGov poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 37%, LAB 41%, LDEM 7%, Others 15%. It’s a four point lead for Labour and a very low score for the Lib Dems, the lowest since last month.


Normal caveats apply, it could the start of a trend, or it could just be normal margin of error – we’ve had one 4 point and one 5 point Lab lead this month, and a poll last month showing the Lib Dems at seven, and in both cases things were back to rather more normal figures the next day.


That said, while YouGov’s daily polls are flitting between Labour and Conservative leads due to normal variation within the margin of error, we are seeing rather more Labour leads than Tory ones, and rather bigger Labour leads than Tory ones, suggesting the underlying position is a small Labour lead of a point or so (the average Labour lead in YouGov’s polls so far this month is 1.5 points).


So, what you are saying is that the polls are a complete waste of time and mean absolutely nothing.

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For what it's worth, I think Labour will eventually get into power again - but it won't be with Ed Milliband or any of Browns former inner circle in charge of the Labour party. If Scotland secedes from the Union, then that would obviously make it much more difficult for Labour to achieve a working majority in Parliament. As I mentioned before, they did it in 1997 without the need for Scottish or Welsh votes when the public were utterly sick and tired of 18 years of Tory rule.


Personally I hate politics and politicians however one thing can never be denied, they are all liars. At election time they promise this and that and everyone votes for them (me included) and what do they do... nothing, they ALL break their promises and add more VAT to petrol, food and services regardless of the party they belong too.


One thing to note which also cannot be denied it that following EVERY labour government since WW2 labour have left the country with crippling debts that the Tory's have had to try to pay back. This is wht your and mine pension funds are gone, Labour wasted 5.5 billion pounds worth of the publics pensions on what exactly??? Pin down your local Labour MP and ask them for a straight forward honest answer, you won't get one. This is why we are now all having to have private pensions yet some narrow minded numpty's out there are blaming the new government for this yet Labour spent all the money yet they can't see this, how can this possibly be the new governments fault? they didn't spend the money Labour did!


Politicians who try to bankrupt the country and those who fiddle expenses (funnily enough mainly Labour politicians) should be publically birched and shamed and be stripped of everything they have which should then be given back to the public for better use, how many would fiddle then?


Answers on a postcard....

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One thing to note which also cannot be denied it that following EVERY labour government since WW2 labour have left the country with crippling debts that the Tory's have had to try to pay back.


Yes it can. Harold Wilson's first government actually balanced the budget by 1970 before handing over to Edward Heath. In what way did he leave Heath any 'crippling' debts? To imply that the Tories have never racked up any debt since 1945 is a complete falsehood.



This is wht your and mine pension funds are gone, Labour wasted 5.5 billion pounds worth of the publics pensions on what exactly???


I've got no idea what you're trying to say here. :huh:

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Personally I hate politics and politicians however one thing can never be denied, they are all liars. At election time they promise this and that and everyone votes for them (me included) and what do they do... nothing, they ALL break their promises and add more VAT to petrol, food and services regardless of the party they belong too.


One thing to note which also cannot be denied it that following EVERY labour government since WW2 labour have left the country with crippling debts that the Tory's have had to try to pay back. This is wht your and mine pension funds are gone, Labour wasted 5.5 billion pounds worth of the publics pensions on what exactly??? Pin down your local Labour MP and ask them for a straight forward honest answer, you won't get one. This is why we are now all having to have private pensions yet some narrow minded numpty's out there are blaming the new government for this yet Labour spent all the money yet they can't see this, how can this possibly be the new governments fault? they didn't spend the money Labour did!


Politicians who try to bankrupt the country and those who fiddle expenses (funnily enough mainly Labour politicians) should be publically birched and shamed and be stripped of everything they have which should then be given back to the public for better use, how many would fiddle then?


Answers on a postcard....




Isn't it funny how you gob-frothers always claim to 'hate all politicians', yet you always seem to hate Labour the most!:rolleyes:

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Pensioners get free Travel passes, winter fuel allowance,Cold weather allowance for those on basic pension, Christmas box of £10.Free TV Licence for the over 75s. All as far as I am aware obtained under Labour.


Both our sons attended local Comprehensive schools. Obtained A grades at O level and A level exams. Gained places at University.

Qualified with Bsc and Phd qualifications. Not bad if as you say.

"Their education system is little short of child abuse"


If they took O levels how long ago was it?

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That is quite simply wrong. In 1997, the Tories left this country with around £350 billion of national debt amounting to just over 40% of GDP at that time. To say that the country owed nothing in 1997 is false. These are basic facts Jim if you'd have bothered to look them up.




I think what you'll find happened is that Labour kept the Tories spending plans for the first few years and debt declined to a historically low level. If I remember right there was a hoo haa about Brown actually clearing the national debt at some point.


But, by 2004, Brown had fallen off the "Prudence" wagon and his spendaholism had become a serious problem and the debt was back above what had been inherited from the Tories.


I accept your point that Lamont and Lawson weren't very good either. But I don't accept that they would have allowed the banks to run amok unregulated as Brown did. Labour's entire philosophy is based on tax and spend and they actively encouraged the banks to act recklessly to boost profits so they could rake in the taxes to blow on vanity projects.


Yes, we had 3m unemployed in the 80s but we could afford them. Labour's problem was that they had over 2m unemployed all the time and added 600,000 staff to the public sector. They never solved unemployment, they just covered it up with borrowed money.

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Personally I hate politics and politicians however one thing can never be denied, they are all liars. At election time they promise this and that and everyone votes for them (me included) and what do they do... nothing, they ALL break their promises and add more VAT to petrol, food and services regardless of the party they belong too.


Technically your gripe should be with your constituency MP as they are the only one you voted for. To say they're all liars without any proof is taking things a bit far.

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Wrong! In 1997, Labour got 11.3 million votes vs 8.7 million Conservative votes in the English constituencies (328 Labour vs 165 Tory English MPs elected). Labour didn't need any of the Scottish or Welsh votes to win the election. . . ..
I said 'is', not 'was in 1997'. So I remain right, thank you. :)
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