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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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Cross reference all you like. I'm not trawling through thousands of posts to satisfy you, but please feel free to do so yourself. I will warn you though, there is a big hole in the SF search database, but the posts are out there somewhere.

You might be wise to wind your neck in with the pejorative stuff though, it only ever bites you on the arse.



:D Yeah 'course they are!;)

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Well yes, it happened a lot when I was admin, usually when there's an upgrade of the VB software. But as I say, the posts should be out there if you want to trawl through, or if you can work out what search terms to use from years ago if they are still indexed with the VB archive or Google. Bear in mind that threads may have been removed, which case nothing will show.


Incidentally, you don't seem to have taken the advice about winding your neck in.

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Don't be so sure Tone, wait for the backlash when the cuts start to kick-in.


YouGov/Sunday Times – CON 37, LAB 41, LDEM 7

18 Feb 2012

Tonight’s YouGov poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 37%, LAB 41%, LDEM 7%, Others 15%. It’s a four point lead for Labour and a very low score for the Lib Dems, the lowest since last month.


Latest polls show:


Latest YouGov/Sun results 20th Feb

CON 39%,

LAB 38%,

LD 10%;

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Latest polls show:


Latest YouGov/Sun results 20th Feb

CON 39%,

LAB 38%,

LD 10%;


I think most people understand that the cuts would have been made whoever won the election. It is just that a few try to deny it. I would imagine any government running neck and neck with the opposition in the polls in the current economic climate will be pretty happy. It looks like the economy is on the mend and the happy times are starting to return. That's got to bring huge political advantage to a government that inherited a catastrophic mess and yet didn't follow Greece, Ireland, Italy and the rest down the pipe.

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Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?


Richard Allen was the Lib Dem MP for Hallam before Clegg


If you can't get some basic facts right it doesn't help the rest of your inaccurate rantings.


Angela Smith is not interested in the people of whichever constituency she has now. She is only interested in Angela Smith and husband she employs at tax payers expense. Wasn't he the one tweeting a few boasts from the Bahamas? Ms Smith was another one caught with her hand in the till claiming expenses for four beds for a one bedroom flat.


Just more Labour money grubbers who don't give a damn about the fools who keep them in a lifestyle they could never get by working for a living.


Angela Smith does help people, she has supported my campaigns and advised me. Stop talking rubbish and splitting hairs. Stop being a greedy uncaring bugger and have a bit of faith in your fellow man................but, after all you are a Tory and who would expect anything else...........................and you are allowed to vote ?? :huh:

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